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Software Installation and Upgrade

  • Support for DHCPv6 on ZTP (QFX5130-32CD, QFX5220, and QFX5700)—Starting in Junos OS Evolved Release 21.4R1, zero-touch provisioning (ZTP) supports the DHCPv6 client on the management interface. During the bootstrap process, the device first uses the DHCPv4 client to request for information regarding image and configuration file from the DHCP server. The device checks the DHCPv4 bindings sequentially. If there is a failure with one of the DHCPv4 bindings, the device continues to check for bindings until provisioning is successful. If there are no DHCPv4 bindings, however, the device checks for DHCPv6 bindings and follows the same process as for DHCPv4 until the device can be provisioned successfully. The DHCP server uses DHCPv6 options 59 and 17 and applicable sub-options to exchange ZTP-related information between itself and the DHCP client.

    [See Zero Touch Provisioning.]

  • Support for outbound SSH service (PTX10001-36MR, PTX10003, PTX10004, PTX10008, QFX5130-32CD, QFX5220-32CD, and QFX5220-128C)—Starting in Junos OS Evolved Release 21.4R1, we support outbound SSH service.

    You can use the restart service-deployment command to restart the Service Deployment System (SDX) process.

    [See outbound-ssh.]