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Known Limitations

Learn about known limitations in Junos OS Evolved Release 21.4R1 for PTX Series routers.

For the most complete and latest information about known Junos OS Evolved defects, use the Juniper Networks online Junos Problem Report Search application.

General Routing

  • Restarting the fabspoked-pfe application for the line card, restarts the line card. PR1486023

  • By default, the IPv6 addressing gets configured with 64 subnet irrespective of the subnet configured on the DHCP server side. PR1539839

  • The PTP FPGA is in the reset mode during BIOS boot. During Linux boot, the PTP FPGA is taken out of the reset mode and the pcie-tree is re-enumerated. Therfore, the link goes up or comes down when this sequence occurs. PR1572061

  • On PTX10001-36MR routers, which is a fixed form factory system with a single CPU, the FPC is a logical one. There is no dedicated CPU to handle the FPC processes and there are three different processes that handle the Packet Forwarding Engine functionality. Also, there is no dedicated memory reserved for the Packet Forwarding Engine processes, due to which it is not feasible to figure out the percentage of CPU or memory utilization by the FPC. Hence, the show chassis fpc output does not display a percentage for neither the CPU or memory computed. PR1586907

  • Configuring a 400G ZR link with 4x100GE channelized mode on one end and 1x400GE on the other end results in link status mismatch. The 1x400GE port gets displayed with the port in the Up state even when the port is in the Down state. PR1597707

  • Ungraceful FRU removal results in CRC errors on the peer FRUs, that might potentially wedge the Packet Forwarding Engines. PR1615297

  • Traffic convergences, interface deactivates/disables, and deletes one of the SRTE path in a policy in two different scenarios. During these periods, the hardware counters gets deleted and added again for new paths where traffic flows. During this transient period of time counting, the statistics do not increment and as per the design SR statistics counters, reading from hardware occurs every 4 seconds. By any chance, if the convergence and interfaces triggers right after reading the hardware counters, then no statistics increment for that 4 seconds of time period. PR1630517

  • The request system node reboot<> command restarts the FRU ungracefully. On an ungraceful FRU restart, transient link errors on peer FRU appears. PR1630787

  • On PTX10001-36MR routers, PTP TC over IPv6 feature does not meet the T1/T4 error for 4x25G mode when connected between two retimer ports (retimer-----retimer), that is port 4 to port 7 in each PIC. This does not impact the basic PTP TC over IPv6 functionality and other performance metrics such as two-way time error. cTE and dTE meets class B for all the port combinations. PR1609110

  • On all Junos OS Evolved platforms, when nexthop gets added or changed to the Packet Forwarding Engine and the same next-hop is also forwarding nexthop of an indirect route, if the ingress Packet Forwarding Engine is faster than the egress Packet Forwarding Engine, this causes packet loss as the ingress Packet Forwarding Engine being faster would have seen the new forwarding nexthop and also the indirect change. However, the egress Packet Forwarding Engine being slower would not have consumed indirect change yet. PR1547432

Network Management and Monitoring

  • Configuring the set system no-hidden-commands command must not block the netconf sessions. As a workaround, you must disable the no-hidden-commands command. PR1590350

Routing Protocols

  • Protocols might not restart gracefully on a scaled setup with the restart routing gracefully command due to which long time is consumed in synchronization the routing states during restart. (It take around 4 minutes 20 seconds for protocols to start back again after restart with 2.8m routes.) PR1575626


  • ASIC does not have a way to drop the packets with invalid configuration while packets go out. Hence, the unsupported VLAN rewrite configuration might send packets out with wrong VLAN encapsulation. PR1627484