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Known Limitations

Learn about known limitations in Junos OS Release 21.2R3 for vSRX.

For the most complete and latest information about known Junos OS defects, use the Juniper Networks online Junos Problem Report Search application.

Platform and Infrastructure

  • For SaaS DBs among all available links a best path chosen. If the link has no violation, and is the preferred link and has the highest prioty among all live links, any further configuration change won't be recognized. The recommendation to the user is to configure all the preferences and priorities during configuration time so that all of it can be properly honored. PR1559662

  • The rpd process stops when the device reboot and or process restart. PR1567043

  • On vSRX3.0, the Layer 2 mode is not supported on SR-IOV interfaces. PR1584705

  • For vSRX3 instance deployed on VMware, if Mellanox SR-IOV is used for revenue ports, adding new Mellanox SR-IOV interfaces or deleting existing ones will result in the change of the ordering of the revenue ports. PR1620532