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Software Defined Networking (SDN)

  • SLCs support new asymmetric profile, multiversion software interoperability, GRES, and fabric hardening (MX2010 and MX2020 with MX2K-MPC11E)—Starting in Junos OS Release 21.2R1, Junos node slicing with sub line cards (SLCs) supports the following features:

    • A new asymmetric profile which supports assigning DRAM size of 9 GB or 17 GB to an SLC independent of the PFE subset assignments.
    • Multiversion Software Interoperability

      If you are using sub line cards, Junos OS node slicing in 21.2R1 is not multiversion interoperable with any earlier release of Junos OS, including 21.1R1. For a GNF in a node-sliced system that uses SLCs to run Junos OS 21.2R1, all other GNFs and BSYS on that system must also run 21.2R1.

    • Fabric hardening
    • GRES on BSYS and guest network functions (GNFs). SLCs also support handling failure of links between the server and Control Boards (CBs).

    The SLC feature enables you to configure logical partitions of the MPC11E line card and assign each partition to different guest network functions (GNFs) in an external server-based Junos node slicing setup.

    [See Configuring Sub Line Cards and Assigning Them to GNFs.]