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Known Limitations

Learn about known limitations in Junos OS Evolved Release 21.2R3 for PTX Series routers.

For the most complete and latest information about known Junos OS Evolved defects, use the Juniper Networks online Junos Problem Report Search application.

General Routing

  • The PTP FPGA is kept in reset during BIOS boot. During Linux boot, the PTP FPGA is taken out of reset and pcie-tree is reenumerated. Hence you see the link going up or going down during this sequence. PR1572061

  • If we offline multiple SIBs and halt the primary Routing Engine, the SIBs can be stuck in the offline state for 15 minutes, before it goes to offline state. PR1584712

  • Additional triggers such as fabricHub/Fabspoked-fchip daemon restarts while FPC going offline or online is in transition, results in traffic loss after the FPC is online. PR1596818

  • show ipsec CLI hierarchy is disabled on Junos OS Evolved platforms (through PR PR1442161) from Junos OS Evolved Release 19.3R1 till Junos OS Evolved 21.2 EVO Release latest scope and the same hierarchy is enabled back from Junos OS Evolved Release 21.3 release onwards (through PR1545880).

  • On PTX Series routers, ignore any values displayed for the Input DA rejects counter of the show interface interface-name extensive command. The Input DA rejects counter is not supported on PTX Series routers. (The Input DA rejects counter represents the number of packets that the filter rejected because the destination MAC address of the packet is not on the accept list). PR1545880

Juniper Extension Toolkit (JET)

  • Until Junos OS Evolved Release 21.3 mgd is 32-bit binary. libsi can only be linked with 64-bit binaries. To access data/WAN ports in Junos OS Evolved we need libsi to be linked with the binary. By default, the shell on the Junos OS Evolved device includes libsi. However, it is not available to the CLI commands as the CLI makes mgd invoke cscript to run a Python script through CLI. PR1603437


  • If the Routing Engines are not all rebooted after a network service configuration change, the rpd process might crash. PR1461468

  • With IS-IS or BFD and RSVP on a link with link protection enabled, on PPMD restart multiple BFD sessions flaps are seen. PR1585644

Network Management and Monitoring

  • Junos OS Evolved has a feature to block or deny all hidden commands. You can get this feature by configuring set system no-hidden-commands. However, when this is configured and committed Junos OS Evolved blocks or denies new netconfor junoscript XML sessions. As a workaround you can delete system no-hidden-commands configuration statement and start the new netconf or junoscript sessions. PR1590350

System Management

  • On PTX Series routers, ignore any values displayed for the Input DA rejects counter of the show interface interface-name extensive command. The Input DA rejects counter is not supported on PTX Series routers. (The Input DA rejects counter represents the number of packets that the filter rejected because the destination MAC address of the packet is not on the accept list. For more details, see show interfaces.) PR1627736