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Configure RMON History Sampling

The Junos OS supports the history control group (etherHistoryTable) of the Remote Network Monitoring (RMON) MIB (RFC 2819). The history control tables record statistical samples from an Ethernet network and store them for later retrieval.

To configure RMON history sampling and view or clear collected statistics using the Junos OS CLI, perform the following tasks:

Configure RMON History Sampling Collection

Use the history statement at the [edit snmp rmon] hierarchy level to configure RMON history sampling collection parameters. The following parameters are required:

  • History index: The history entry is identified by an integer history index value (historyControlIndex MIB field) specified when you configure this statement, which is used to display or clear collected results later.

  • Interface: The interface to monitor for the specified history index. Only one interface can be associated with a particular RMON history index.

In addition to the required parameters, you can specify a custom sampling interval (in seconds) and the sampling bucket-size (number of discrete samples to be collected in a given interval).

An optional tag (owner) associated with the history index can also be assigned to the collection.

View and Clear RMON History Statistics

Use the show snmp rmon history command to display collected RMON history table entries. You can also use the show snmp mib walk command to view RMON history table field samples.

The following sample RMON configuration sets up a history table sampling for interface xe-0/0/20.0 using a history index value of 1:

Using the show snmp mib walk command, you can see etherHistoryPkts field statistics collected for history index 1:

To clear collected RMON history statistics, use the clear snmp history command. After clearing samples collected up to that point, collection continues again at the configured interval, and new samples are recorded. This command has options to clear collected samples of a particular configured history index or to clear all samples from all configured indices.

For example, the following command clears collected RMON history samples for history control index 1 configured above: