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Install Ethernet and PTP Scripts

Install Ethernet and PTP Scripts

You can use Ethernet and PTP scripts that are included in the Packet Flow Accelerator Diagnostics software to test Ethernet and PTP functionality. Before you can install the scripts, you need to perform the following tasks:

To install the scripts:

  1. Log into the guest VM using the request app-engine virtual-machine-shell guest-VM-name. The maximum length for the guest VM name is 255 characters. Make sure you are logged in as root when you enter this command.
  2. Enter a valid username and password combination for the guest VM.
  3. Enter the guest-util diag-install guest VM IP address command at the shell prompt.

    Use the same IP address you used for configuring the local management address for the guest VM.

  4. Change directories to /var/tmp to edit the PFAD_params.cfg file.
  5. Open the PFAD_params.cfg file using an editor of your choice.

    Here is an example of what is contained in the file:

  6. Configure the management IP address.
  7. Configure the PTP interfaces.

    IF1 is the primary source, and IF2 is the secondary source.

    Configure IF1 as et-0/0/2, and IF2 as et-0/0/3.

  8. Save the changes you made to the PFAD_params.cfg file.
  9. Run the scripts by issuing one of the following commands at the guest VM prompt.
    • To test traffic orchestration:

      python -t 1

    • To test PTP:


    • To test Broadsync:
