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Check the Commands That Users Are Entering


A common set of operations you can check is when users log in to the router and the CLI commands they issue.

To check the commands that users are entering, follow these steps:

Configure the Log File for Tracking CLI Commands


To configure the log file for tracking CLI commands, follow these steps:

  1. In configuration mode, go to the following hierarchy level:

  2. Configure the log file:

    For example:

  3. Configure the interactive-commands facility and severity level:

  4. Verify the configuration:

  5. Commit the configuration:


The configuration example shows that the log file cli-commands is configured with the interactive-commands facility at the info severity level. #xd_e411a123b15b1f25--3af2d0ca-19080dd9b71--7ed1/table_apd_r2l_zbc lists and describes the severity levels.

Table 1: Severity Levels
Severity Level Description
info Log all top-level CLI commands, including the configure command, and all configuration mode commands.
notice Log the configuration mode commands rollback and commit.
warning Log when any software process restarts.

Display the Configured Log File


To display the log file in configuration mode, enter the following command:


For example:

Sample Output


The sample output shows the CLI commands that were entered since the log file was configured.