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Device Management Functions in Junos OS

This section provides an overview of the Junos OS (operating system).

After installing a device into your network, you need to manage the device within your network. Device management can be divided into five tasks:

  • Fault management—Monitor the device; detect and fix faults.

  • Configuration management—Configure device attributes.

  • Accounting management—Collect statistics for accounting purposes.

  • Performance management—Monitor and adjust device performance.

  • Security management—Control device access and authenticate users.

The Junos® operating system (Junos OS) network management features work in conjunction with an operations support system (OSS) to manage the devices within the network. Junos OS can assist you in performing these management tasks, as described in Table 1.

Table 1: Device Management Features in Junos OS


Junos OS Feature

Fault management

Monitor and see faults using:

Configuration management

  • Configure router attributes using the command-line interface (CLI), the Junos XML management protocol, and the NETCONF XML management protocol. For more information about configuring the router using the APIs, see the Junos XML Management Protocol Guide and NETCONF XML Management Protocol Guide.

  • Configuration Management MIB—For more information about the Configuration Management MIB, see Configuration Management MIB.

Accounting management

Perform the following accounting-related tasks:

  • Collect statistics for interfaces, firewall filters, destination classes, source classes, and the Routing Engine. For more information about collecting statistics, see Accounting Options Configuration.

  • Use interface-specific traffic statistics and other counters, available in the Standard Interfaces MIB, Juniper Networks enterprise-specific extensions to the Interfaces MIB, and media-specific MIBs, such as the enterprise-specific ATM MIB.

  • Use per-ATM virtual circuit (VC) counters, available in the enterprise-specific ATM MIB. For more information about the ATM MIB, see ATM MIB.

  • Group source and destination prefixes into source classes and destination classes and count packets for those classes. Collect destination class and source class usage statistics. For more information about classes, see “Destination Class Usage MIB” and “Source Class Usage MIB”, Configuring Class Usage Profiles, the Junos OS Network Interfaces Library for Routing Devices.

  • Count packets as part of a firewall filter. For more information about firewall filter policies, see Enterprise-Specific SNMP MIBs Supported by Junos OS.

  • Sample traffic, collect the samples, and send the collection to a host running the CAIDA cflowd utility.

Performance management

You can monitor performance in the following ways:

  • Use operational mode commands. For more information about monitoring performance using operational mode commands, see the CLI Explorer.

  • Use firewall filter.

  • Sample traffic, collect the samples, and send the samples to a host running the CAIDA cflowd utility.

  • Use the enterprise-specific Class-of-Service MIB. For more information about this MIB, see Class-of-Service MIB.

Security management

Assure security in your network in the following ways: