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threshold (PIM Entries)


Hierarchy Level


Configure a threshold at which a warning message is logged when a certain number of PIM entries have been received by the device.


value—Threshold at which a warning message is logged. This is a percentage of the maximum number of entries accepted by the device as defined with the maximum statement. You can apply this threshold to incoming PIM join messages, PIM register messages, and group-to-RP mappings.

For example, if you configure a maximum number of 1,000 incoming group-to-RP mappings, and you configure a threshold value of 90 percent, warning messages are logged in the system log when the device receives 900 group-to-RP mappings. The same formula applies to incoming PIM join messages and PIM register messages if configured with both the maximum limit and the threshold value statements.

  • Default: 1 through 100

Required Privilege Level

routing—To view this statement in the configuration.

routing-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 12.2.