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Configuring Dual VLAN Tags

To configure dual VLAN tags on a logical interface, include the vlan-tags statement:

You can include this statement at the following hierarchy levels:

  • [edit interfaces interface-name unit logical-unit-number]

  • [edit logical-systems logical-system-name interfaces interface-name unit logical-unit-number]

Use Feature Explorer to confirm platform and release support for specific features.

Review the Platform-Specific Dual VLAN Tags Configuration Behavior section for notes related to your platform.

The outer tag VLAN ID range is from 1 through 511 for normal interfaces, and from 512 through 4094 for VLAN CCC or VLAN VPLS interfaces. The inner tag is not restricted.

You must also include the stacked-vlan-tagging statement in the configuration. See Examples: Stacking and Rewriting Gigabit Ethernet IQ VLAN Tags.

Platform-Specific Dual VLAN Tags Configuration Behavior

Use Feature Explorer to confirm platform and release support for specific features.

Use the following table to review platform-specific behavior for your platform:



ACX Series

  • On ACX7000 device that supports dual VLAN tags configuration, VLAN ID range restriction for interfaces is not applicable.