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show chassis fpc ether-types



Display the current EtherType values in ternary content addressable memory (TCAM) on a device for a specified FPC slot or for all currently active (online) FPCs on the device.

Ethernet frame headers contain an EtherType field to identify the protocol in the frame's payload so that a receiving device knows how to process incoming Layer 2 traffic. Devices store the EtherType values they can process in TCAM for fast access. You can configure custom EtherType values in place of the default values in the TCAM EtherTypes table, although some values are reserved and can't be changed or configured. For details on how to configure custom EtherType values, see the ether-type configuration statement at the [edit chassis fpc slot] hierarchy.


none Display the EtherType values in TCAM for all active (online) FPC slots.

(Optional) Display the EtherType values in TCAM for the specified FPC slot number.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show chassis fpc ether-types command.

Table 1: show chassis fpc ether-types Output Fields
Field Name Field Description
FPC FPC slot number.
INDEX Index in the EtherTypes TCAM table.

Indexes 0-5 and 28-31 are reserved. You can't set custom EtherType values at those locations.

DEFAULT Default EtherType stored in TCAM at this index.
CONFIGURABLE EtherType stored at this TCAM index is configurable (YES), or is reserved and can't be configured or changed (NO).
ACTIVE Currently active EtherType value for this index. If you configure a custom value at a particular index, this column shows that value.

Sample Output

show chassis fpc ether-types

show chassis fpc ether-types slot-number

Release Information

Introduced in Junos OS Release 21.1R1.