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Example: Change the Configuration Using Junos XML Protocol Perl Client Applications

The Junos XML protocol Perl distribution includes several sample Perl scripts that perform various functions on devices running Junos OS. The script locks, modifies, uploads, and commits the configuration on a device. It uses the basic structure for sending requests described in Submitting a Request to the Junos XML Protocol Server in Perl Client Applications but also defines a graceful_shutdown subroutine that handles errors. The following sections describe the different functions that the script performs:

Handling Error Conditions

The graceful_shutdown subroutine in the script handles errors encountered in the Junos XML protocol session. It employs the following additional constants:

The first two if statements in the subroutine refer to the STATE_CONFIG_LOADED and STATE_LOCKED conditions, which apply specifically to loading a configuration in the script. The eval statement ensures that any errors that occur during execution of the enclosed function call are trapped so that failure of the function call does not cause the script to exit.

Locking the Configuration

The main section of the script begins by establishing a connection to a Junos XML protocol server. It then invokes the lock_configuration method to lock the configuration database. If an error occurs, the script invokes the graceful_shutdown subroutine described in Handling Error Conditions.

Reading In and Parsing the Configuration Data

In the following code sample, the script reads in and parses a file that contains Junos XML configuration tag elements or ASCII-formatted statements. A detailed discussion of the functional subsections follows the complete code sample.

The first subsection of the preceding code sample verifies the existence of the file containing configuration data. The name of the file was previously obtained from the command line and assigned to the $xmlfile variable. If the file does not exist, the script invokes the graceful_shutdown subroutine:

If the -t command-line option was included when the script was invoked, the file referenced by the $xmlfile variable should contain formatted ASCII configuration statements like those returned by the CLI configuration-mode show command. The script invokes the get_escaped_text subroutine described in Converting Disallowed Characters in Junos XML Protocol Perl Client Applications, assigning the result to the $xmlstring variable. The script invokes the parsestring function to transform the data in the file into the proper format for loading into the configuration hierarchy, and assigns the result to the $doc variable. The parsestring function is defined in the XML::DOM::Parser module, and the first line in the following sample code instantiates the module as an object, setting the $parser variable to refer to it:

If the -t command-line option was included when the script was invoked, the file referenced by the $xmlfile variable contains Junos XML configuration tag elements instead. In this case, the script invokes the parsefile function (also defined in the XML::DOM::Parser module) on the file.

If the parser cannot transform the file, the script invokes the graceful_shutdown subroutine described in Handling Error Conditions.

Loading the Configuration Data

The script now invokes the load_configuration method to load the configuration changes onto the device. It places the statement inside an eval block to ensure that the graceful_shutdown subroutine is invoked if the response from the Junos XML protocol server has errors.

The variables used to define the method’s three arguments were set at previous points in the application file:

  • The $config_format variable is set to "xml" unless the -t command-line option was included when invoking the script.

  • The $load_action variable is set to "merge" unless the -a command-line option was included when invoking the script. The final two lines verify that the specified value is valid.

  • The $doc variable contains the output from the parsestring or parsefile function (defined in the XML::DOM::Parser module).

The script performs two additional checks for errors and invokes the graceful_shutdown subroutine in either case.

Committing the Configuration

If there are no errors up to this point, the script invokes the commit_configuration method (defined in the file lib/JUNOS/ in the Junos XML protocol Perl distribution) to commit the configuration on the device and make it the active configuration.