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show node statistics



Displays protocol statistics for nodes in the network. Protocol statistics help you monitor and troubleshoot your network.


Table 1 lists the protocol options that you can execute as part of the show node statistics command to display specific statistics.

Table 1: Protocol Options
Protocol Description

icmp node-name

Shows ICMP statistics for the selected node.

icmpmsg node-name

Shows ICMP message types for the selected node.

ip node-name

Displays IPv4 statistics for the selected node.

ipext node-name

Shows detailed IPv4 statistics for the selected node.

tcp node-name

Displays TCP statistics for the selected node.

tcpext node-name

Shows extended TCP statistics for the selected node.

udp node-name

Displays UDP statistics for the selected node.

udplite node-name

Displays UDP Lite statistics for the selected node.

Sample Output

show node statistics ICMP

show node statistics ICMPmsg

show node statistics IP

show node statistics IPext

show node statistics TCP

show node statistics TCPext

show node statistics UDP

show node statistics UDPLite

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Evolved Release 19.2R1.