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show network-agent statistics



Display details of all or specific sensor subscriptions configured for Junos telemetry interface (JTI). Subscriptions can be made using wither a Juniper API or a gRPC Network Management Interface (gNMI) API.


brief | detail

(Optional) Display brief or detail level of output.


(Optional) Displays subscriptions using the Juniper API.


(Optional) Displays subscriptions using the gRPC Network Management Interface (gNMI) API.


(Optional) Display both Juniper and gNMI-based subscription statistics.

subscription-id identifier

(Optional) Display subscription statistics specific to a subscription. Configure an identifier in the range from 0 through 4294967295. By default, information is displayed for all subscriptions.

subscription-paths path

(Optional) Display subscription statistics specific to one or more exact resource paths in a subscription; for example, [/junos/system/linecard/interface/ /components/].

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show network-agent statistics command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show network-agent statistics Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Subscription ID

Numerical identifier of the sensor.


Type of API used for the subscription. Values are juniper or gNMI.

Client IP

IP address of the client that is collecting sensor data.

Subscription Time

Time of subscription, which helps to correlate statistics information from the provisioning logs that are taken over a period of multiple subscriptions.

Sensor Path

Resource path configured for the subscription; for example, /components/.

Reporting Interval

Interval at which statistics are streamed for a subscription.


Component for which statistics are provided.

Average Latency

Average latency values per sensor, which helps to check the latency of any given sensor on the device.

Circular Buffer used

Approximate circular buffer usage per sensor, which provides an early alert if drops are likely for any specific sensor.

Bytes Sent

Number of bytes transiting for this sensor.

Packets Sent

Number of packets transiting for this sensor.


Number of drops for this sensor.

Initial Sync Bytes Sent

Number of bytes sent for the subscription’s initial synchronization.

Initial Sync Packets Sent

Number of packets sent during the subscription’s initial synchronization.

Initial Sync Drops

Number of drops during subscription’s initial synchronization.

Sample Output

show network-agent statistics (detailed output, no subscription present)

show network-agent statistics (detailed output, subscription creation in progress)

show network-agent statistics (detailed output, subscription created, system operating in a steady state)

show network-agent statistics (detailed output, subscription deletion in progress)

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 19.2R1.