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show services sessions (Aggregated Multiservices)



Display the session information for each service set in each member interface of the AMS interface.



Display standard information about all sessions.

brief | extensive | terse

(Optional) Display the specified level of output.


(Optional) Display information about one of the following application protocols:

  • ftp—File Transfer Protocol

  • icmp—Internet Control Message Protocol

  • pptp—Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol

  • rtsp—Real-Time Streaming Protocol

  • sqlnet—SQL *Net

  • tcp—Transmission Control Protocol

  • traceroute—Traceroute

  • tftp—Trivial File Transfer Protocol

  • udp—User Datagram Protocol


(Optional) Display a count of the matching entries.

destination-port destination-port

(Optional) Display information for a particular destination port. The range of values is from 0 through 65,535.

destination-prefix destination-prefix

(Optional) Display information for a particular destination prefix.

interface interface-name

(Optional) Display information about a particular interface. On M Series and T Series routers, interface-name can be ms-fpc/pic/port or rspnumber. On J Series routers, interface-name is ms-pim/0/port.

limit number

(Optional) Maximum number of entries to display.

protocol protocol

(Optional) Display information about one of the following IP types:

  • number—Numeric protocol value from 0 through 255

  • ah—IPsec Authentication Header protocol

  • egp—An exterior gateway protocol

  • esp—IPsec Encapsulating Security Payload protocol

  • gre—A generic routing encapsulation protocol

  • icmp—Internet Control Message Protocol

  • icmp6—Internet Control Message Protocol version 6

  • igmp—Internet Group Management Protocol

  • ipip—IP-over-IP encapsulation protocol

  • ospf—Open Shortest Path First protocol

  • pim—Protocol Independent Multicast protocol

  • rsvp—Resource Reservation Protocol

  • sctp—Stream Control Transmission Protocol

  • tcp—Transmission Control Protocol

  • udp—User Datagram Protocol

service-set service-set

(Optional) Display information for a particular service set.

source-port source-port

(Optional) Display information for a particular source port. The range of values is from 0 through 65,535.

source-prefix source-prefix

(Optional) Display information for a particular source prefix.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show services sessions command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show services sessions Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description


Name of the member interface (mams-) and the aggregated multiservices interface (ams) to which it belongs.

Session ID

Session ID that uniquely identifies the session.


Name of the application.


Session flag for the ALG:

  • 0x1—Found an existing session.

  • 0x2—Reached session or flow limit.

  • 0x3—No memory available for new sessions.

  • 0x4—No free session ID available.

IP Action

Flag indicating whether IP action has been set for the session.


Flag indicating whether the session has been offloaded to the Packet Forwarding Engine.


Flag indicating whether the session is unidirectional.

Service set

Name of a service set. Individual empty service sets are not displayed.

Sessions Count

Number of sessions.

Flow or Flow Prot

Protocol used for this session.


Source prefix of the flow in the format source-prefix:port. For ICMP flows, port information is not displayed.


Destination prefix of the flow. For ICMP flows, port information is not displayed.


Status of the flow:

  • Drop—Drop all packets in the flow without response.

  • Forward—Forward the packet in the flow without looking at it.

  • Reject—Drop all packets in the flow with response.

  • Watch—Inspect packets in the flow.

  • Bypass—Bypass packets in the flow.

  • Unknown—Unknown flow status.

Packet Direction

Direction of the flow: ingress (I), egress (O), or unknown.

Frm count

Number of frames in the flow.

Sample Output

show services sessions brief

show services sessions interface mams-5/0/0 extensive

show services sessions terse

show services sessions count

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 16.1.

Support added in Junos OS Release 19.3R2 for Next Gen Services on MX Series routers MX240, MX480 and MX960 with the MX-SPC3 services card.