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show services service-sets statistics syslog



Display the system log statistics with optional filtering by interface and service set name.



Display the system log statistics for all services interfaces and all service sets.


(Default) (Optional) Display abbreviated system log statistics.


(Optional) Display detailed system log statistics.

interface interface-name

(Optional) Display the system log statistics for a specific adaptive service interface. On M Series and T Series routers, interface-name can be ms-fpc/pic/port, sp-fpc/pic/port, or rspnumber.

service-set service-set-name

(Optional) Display the system log statistics for a specific named service-set.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show services service-sets statistics syslog command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show services service-sets statistics syslog Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description



Name of a services interface.


Rate limit

Maximum number of messages per second written to the interface’s system log.



Number of messages sent that are not associated with a service set.



Number of messages dropped that are not associated with a service set.




Name of a service set.



Number of sent messages that are associated with the service set.



Number of dropped messages that are associated with the service set.


Session open logs

The following information is displayed for system log messages for session open events that are logged and are associated with the service set:

  • Sent—Number of messages sent.

  • Dropped—Number of messages dropped. Counts are given for these drop reasons:

    • low priority—Priority of the message was too low for the message to be sent.

    • no class set—Specific classes of event messages were configured and this class was not selected.

    • above rate limit—Maximum number of system log messages per second was exceeded.


Session close logs

The following information is displayed for system log messages for session close events that are logged and are associated with the service set:

  • Sent—Number of messages sent.

  • Dropped—Number of messages dropped. Counts are given for these drop reasons:

    • low priority—Priority of the message was too low for the message to be sent.

    • no class set—Specific classes of event messages were configured and this class was not selected.

    • above rate limit—Maximum number of system log messages per second was exceeded.


Packet logs

The following information is displayed for system log messages for packet events that are logged and are associated with the service set:

  • Sent—Number of messages sent.

  • Dropped—Number of messages dropped. Counts are given for these drop reasons:

    • low priority—Priority of the message was too low for the message to be sent.

    • no class set—Specific classes of event messages were configured and this class was not selected.

    • above rate limit—Maximum number of system log messages per second was exceeded.


Stateful firewall logs

The following information is displayed for system log messages for stateful firewall events that are logged and are associated with the service set:

  • Sent—Number of messages sent.

  • Dropped—Number of messages dropped. Counts are given for these drop reasons:

    • low priority—Priority of the message was too low for the message to be sent.

    • no class set—Specific classes of event messages were configured and this class was not selected.

    • above rate limit—Maximum number of system log messages per second was exceeded.


ALG logs

The following information is displayed for system log messages for ALG events that are logged and are associated with the service set:

  • Sent—Number of messages sent.

  • Dropped—Number of messages dropped. Counts are given for these drop reasons:

    • low priority—Priority of the message was too low for the message to be sent.

    • no class set—Specific classes of event messages were configured and this class was not selected.

    • above rate limit—Maximum number of system log messages per second was exceeded.


NAT logs

The following information is displayed for system log messages for NAT events that are logged and are associated with the service set:

  • Sent—Number of messages sent.

  • Dropped—Number of messages dropped. Counts are given for these drop reasons:

    • low priority—Priority of the message was too low for the message to be sent.

    • no class set—Specific classes of event messages were configured and this class was not selected.

    • above rate limit—Maximum number of system log messages per second was exceeded.


IDS logs

The following information is displayed for system log messages for IDS events that are logged and are associated with the service set:

  • Sent—Number of messages sent.

  • Dropped—Number of messages dropped. Counts are given for these drop reasons:

    • low priority—Priority of the message was too low for the message to be sent.

    • no class set—Specific classes of event messages were configured and this class was not selected.

    • above rate limit—Maximum number of system log messages per second was exceeded.


Other logs

The following information is displayed for system log messages for other types of events that are logged and are associated with the service set:

  • Sent—Number of messages sent.

  • Dropped—Number of messages dropped. Counts are given for these drop reasons:

    • low priority—Priority of the message was too low for the message to be sent.

    • no class set—Specific classes of event messages were configured and this class was not selected.

    • above rate limit—Maximum number of system log messages per second was exceeded.


Sample Output

show services service-sets statistics syslog brief

Sample Output

show services service-sets statistics syslog detail

For Next Gen Services MX-SPC3 Services Card

Following shows the output for the show services service-sets statistics syslog on the MX-SPC3 services cards vms-x/y/z interfaces.


Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 11.1.

Support for this command introduced in Junos OS Release 19.3R2 for Next Gen Services with the MX-SPC3 services card on MX240, MX480 and MX960 routers.