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Hierarchy Level



Specify a set of identical interfaces as an interface group, to which you can apply a common configuration to the entire set of interfaces. This group can consist of both lexical member ranges of interfaces specified using the member-range interface-type-fpc/pic/port to xx-fpc/pic/port option (regex not supported), and of individual or non-sequential members using the member interface-type-fpc/pic/port option (with regex support to specify the fpc/pic/port values).

Note: If PTP (Precision Time Protocol) is enabled on the last port (31 or 47, depending on the device) in member-range, the interface range unused option cannot be configured. The sample configuration varies for each platform. If PTP is enabled on an unused port, an error message is displayed.



Adds interfaces in lexical order. Regex is not supported.


member-range <start-range> to <end-range>


member-range ge-0/0/0 to ge-4/0/40;


To add individual interfaces or multiple interfaces using regex.


member <list of interface names>


member ge-0/0/0;

member ge-0/1/1;

member ge-0/*/*;

member ge-0/[1-10]/0;

member ge-1/[1,3,6,10]/12

Required Privilege Level

interface—To view this statement in the configuration.

interface-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 10.0.