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damping (Interfaces)


Hierarchy Level


Limit the number of advertisements of the up and down transitions (flapping) on an interface. Each time a transition occurs, the interface state is changed, which generates an advertisement to the upper-level routing protocols. Damping helps reduce the number of these advertisements. Every time an interface goes down, a penalty is added to the interface penalty counter. Penalty added on every interface flap is 1000.

If at some point the accumulated penalty exceeds the suppress level max-suppress, the interface is placed in the suppress state, and further interface state up and down transitions are not reported to the upper-level protocols.


enable—Enable damping on a per-interface basis. If damping is enabled on an interface, it is suppressed during interface flaps that match the configuration settings.

  • Default: Disabled

half-life seconds—Decay half-life. seconds is the interval after which the accumulated interface penalty counter is reduced by half if the interface remains stable.


For the half-life, configure a value that is less than the max-suppress value. If you do not, the configuration is rejected.

  • Range: 1 through 30

  • Default: 5

max-suppress seconds—Maximum hold-down time. seconds is the maximum time that an interface can be suppressed no matter how unstable the interface has been.


For max-suppress, configure a value that is greater than the half-life. If you do not, the configuration is rejected.

  • Range: 1 through 20,000

  • Default: 20

reuse number—Reuse threshold. When the accumulated interface penalty counter falls below number, the interface is no longer suppressed.

  • Range: 1 through 20,000

  • Default: 1000

suppress number—Cutoff (suppression) threshold. When the accumulated interface penalty counter exceeds number, the interface is suppressed.

  • Range: 1 through 20,000

  • Default: 2000

Required Privilege Level

routing—To view this statement in the configuration.

routing-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 14.1.