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clear services nat mappings eim



Clear endpoint independent (EIM) and port control protocol (PCP) mappings .



Clear all EIM and PCP mappings.

b4address b4address/prefix

(Optional) Clear EIM and PCP mappings for a particular subscriber b4address/prefix

internal-host ipv4address/prefix

(Optional) Clear EIM and PCP mappings matching the specified b4address and internal-host..

port port

(Optional) Clear EIM and PCP mappings matching the specified b4address, internal host, and port.

service-set service-set

(Optional) Clear EIM and PCP mappings for the specified service set.

subscriber subscriber-ipv4-address/prefix

(Optional) Clear EIM and PCP mappings for a particular subscriber ipv4-address/prefix

  • port port

    (Optional) Clear EIM and PCP mappings matching the specified ipv4-address/prefix and port.

  • service-set service-set

    (Optional) Clear EIM and PCP mappings for the specified service set.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the clear services nat mappings eim command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: clear services nat mappings eim Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description


Name of a services interface.

Service set

Name of the service set from which flows are being cleared.

Mappings removed

Number of mappings removed.

Flows removed

Number of flows removed.

Sample Output

clear services nat mappings eim

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 14.1.