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show services service-sets statistics jflow-log



Display statistical information on the logs or records generated in flow monitoring format with optional filtering by interface and service set name..



Display the statistical details on flow monitoring logs for NAT events for all services interfaces and all service sets.


(Default) (Optional) Display abbreviated flow monitoring log statistics.


(Optional) Display detailed flow monitoring log statistics.

interface interface-name

(Optional) Display the flow monitoring log statistics for the specified adaptive service interface. On M Series and T Series routers, interface-name can be ms-fpc/pic/port. It is supported only on MS-MICs and MS-MPCs.

service-set service-set name

(Optional) Display the flow monitoring log statistics for the specified named service-set.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show services service-sets statistics jflow-log command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show services service-sets statistics jflow-log Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Level of Output


Name of a services interface.


Rate limit

Maximum number of NAT error events for which records in flow monitoring format must be recorded.


Template records

Details of the template records in flow monitoring log messages.



Number of template records sent to a collector


Messages dropped

Number of template records dropped while transmission to a collector.


Data records

Details of the data records in flow monitoring log messages.



Number of data records sent to a collector.



Number of data records dropped while transmission to a collector


Service set

Name of a service set.


Unresolvable collectors

Number of collectors that cannot be traced and be reached to export records for NAT events.


class name

Logs created for events for each of the following classes:

  • NAT44 Session logs—Details of logs created for NAT44 sessions

  • NAT64 Session logs—Details of logs created for NAT64 sessions

  • NAT44 BIB logs—Details of logs created for NAT44 binding information bases, which is a table of bindings kept by a NAT44. Each NAT44 has a BIB for each translated protocol.

  • NAT64 BIB logs—Details of logs created for NAT44 binding information bases, which is a table of bindings kept by a NAT64. Each NAT64 has a BIB for each translated protocol.

  • NAT Address Exhausted logs—Details of logs created for exhaustion of NAT addresses

  • NAT Port Exhausted logs—Details of logs created for exhaustion of NAT pool

  • NAT44 Quota Exceeded logs—Details of logs created when allocated quota is exceeded for NAT44 events

  • NAT64 Quota Exceeded logs—Details of logs created when allocated quota is exceeded for NAT64 events

  • NAT44 Address Bind logs—Details of logs generated for address bindings for NAT44 events

  • NAT64 Address Bind logs—Details of logs generated for address bindings for NAT64 events

  • NAT44 PBA logs—Details of logs generated for NAT44 port block allocation events

  • NAT64 PBA logs—Details of logs generated for NAT64 port block allocation events

The following information is displayed for flow monitoring log messages for each class of event that is logged:

  • Template records—Details of the template records in flow monitoring log messages

  • Sent—Number of template records sent to a collector

  • Dropped—Number of template records dropped while transmission to a collector

  • Data records—Details of the data records in flow monitoring log messages

  • Sent—Number of data records sent to a collector

  • Dropped—Number of data records dropped while transmission to a collector. Counts are provided for the drop reasons

  • socket send error—Number of times a socket was not opened for data transmission

  • no memory—Number of messages dropped because of insufficient memory

  • invalid data—Number of messages dropped because of invalid data in the records

  • above rate limit—The maximum number of flow monitoring log messages per second was exceeded.


Sample Output

show services service-sets statistics jflow-log brief

show services service-sets statistics jflow-log detail

show services service-sets statistics jflow-log service-set

show services service-sets statistics jflow-log service-set detail

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 15.1.