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Example: Sampling and Discard Accounting Configuration on M, MX and T Series Routers

Discard accounting allows you to sample traffic, send it to a flow server for analysis, and discard all packets without forwarding them to their intended destination. Discard accounting is enabled with the discard accounting group-name statement in a firewall filter at the [edit firewall family inet filter filter-name term term-name then] hierarchy level. Then, the filter is applied to an interface with the filter statement at the [edit interfaces interface-name unit unit-number family inet] hierarchy level and processed with the output statement at the [edit forwarding-options accounting group-name] hierarchy level.

Figure 1: Active Flow Monitoring—Sampling and Discard Accounting Topology DiagramActive Flow Monitoring—Sampling and Discard Accounting Topology Diagram

In Figure 1, traffic from Router 1 arrives on the monitoring router’s Gigabit Ethernet ge-2/3/0 interface. The export interface leading to the flow server is fe-1/0/0 and there is no exit interface.

In this example, TCP traffic is sent to one accounting group and all other traffic is diverted to a second group. After being sampled and counted, the two types of traffic are acted upon by the sampling and accounting processes. These processes create flow records and send the records to the version 8 flow server for analysis. Because multiple types of traffic are sent to the same server, we recommend that you configure the engine-id, engine-type, and source-address statements manually in your accounting and sampling hierarchies. This way, you can differentiate between traffic types when they arrive at the flow server.

Verifying Your Work

To verify that your configuration is correct, use the following commands on the monitoring station that is configured for active flow monitoring:

  • show services accounting aggregation (for version 8 flows only)

  • show services accounting errors

  • show services accounting (flow | flow-detail)

  • show services accounting memory

  • show services accounting packet-size-distribution

  • show services accounting status

  • show services accounting usage

The following shows the output of the show commands used with the configuration example: