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PIM Sparse Mode, PIM Dense Mode, Auto-RP, and BSR for MBGP MVPNs

You can configure PIM sparse mode, PIM dense mode, auto-RP, and bootstrap router (BSR) for MBGP MVPN networks:

  • PIM sparse mode—Allows a router to use any unicast routing protocol and performs reverse-path forwarding (RPF) checks using the unicast routing table. PIM sparse mode includes an explicit join message, so routers determine where the interested receivers are and send join messages upstream to their neighbors, building trees from the receivers to the rendezvous point (RP).

  • PIM dense mode—Allows a router to use any unicast routing protocol and performs reverse-path forwarding (RPF) checks using the unicast routing table. Packets are forwarded to all interfaces except the incoming interface. Unlike PIM sparse mode, where explicit joins are required for packets to be transmitted downstream, packets are flooded to all routers in the routing instance in PIM dense mode.

  • Auto-RP—Uses PIM dense mode to propagate control messages and establish RP mapping. You can configure an auto-RP node in one of three different modes: discovery mode, announce mode, and mapping mode.

  • BSR—Establishes RPs. A selected router in a network acts as a BSR, which selects a unique RP for different group ranges. BSR messages are flooded using a data tunnel between PE routers.