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show ethernet-switching vxlan-tunnel-end-point esi



Displays the ESI (Ethernet Segment Identifier) information on VXLAN tunnel endpoints.



Display brief information about VXLAN tunnel endpoint.

esi-identifier esi-identifier

(Optional) Display information for a specified ethernet segment identified by the Ethernet segment identifier (ESI) value.

instance instance

(Optional) Display information for a specified instance .


(Optional) Display the SVLBNH index for a given ESI-identifier and instance. You must use this option in conjunction with both the esi-identifier and instance options. For detailed information on a particular SVLBNH index, see ..

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1: show ethernet-switching vxlan-tunnel-end-point esi Output Fields
Field Name Field Description

Ethernet Segment Identifier.


Routing instance in which you have configured the ESI.

VLBNH VXLAN load balance next hop.
INH Indirect next hop.
ESI-IFL ESI logical interface.
LOC-IFL and LOCAL-IFL Local logical interface name for a given Ethernet Segment

Next hop index for an associated egress link protection (ELP) reroute tunnel.


If you enable ELP tunnels for an Ethernet segment, this command lists information about the ELP tunnels as remote VTEPs.

RVTEP-NH-LIST List of remote VTEP next hops.

Number of remote VTEPs.


IP address of the remote VTEP.


If you enable ELP tunnels for an Ethernet segment, you'll also see any ELP tunnels listed as remote VTEPs under this field heading.


Index number of the remote VTEP.


VXLAN encapsulated next hop.

MASK-ID Position of the RVTEP in the ESI mask. Each RVTEP is assigned a unique position.
FLAGS Internal flags used for debugging. They help to identify the state of the RVTEP.
MAC-COUNT Count of MACs learned on RVTEP for a given ESI.

Index number of the SVLBNH.

Sample Output

show ethernet-switching vxlan-tunnel-end-point esi

show ethernet-switching vxlan-tunnel-end-point esi esi-identifier instance svlbnh

This command is used to retrieve SVLBNH index for a given esi-identifier and instance.

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 16.1R1.

svlbnh option introduced in Junos OS Release 21.2R1.