Example: Configuring CoS-Based Forwarding for IPv6
This example configures CoS-based forwarding (CBF) next-hop maps and CBF LSP next-hop maps for IPv6 addresses.
You can configure a next-hop map with both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses,
or you can configure separate next-hop maps for IPv4 and IPv6 addresses
and include the from family (inet | inet6)
statements at
the [edit policy-options policy-options policy-statement policy-name term term-name]
hierarchy level to ensure that only next-hop maps of a specified
protocol are applied to a specified route.
If you do not configure separate next-hop maps and include the from family (inet | inet6)
statements in the configuration,
when a route uses two next hops (whether IPv4, IPv6, interface, or
LSP next hop) in at least two of the specified forwarding classes,
CBF is used for the route; otherwise, the CBF policy is ignored.
Define the CBF next-hop map:
[edit class-of-service] forwarding-policy { next-hop-map cbf-map { forwarding-class best-effort { next-hop [ :: ]; } forwarding-class expedited-forwarding { next-hop [ :: ]; } forwarding-class assured-forwarding { next-hop [ :: ]; } forwarding-class network-control { next-hop [ :: ]; } } }
Define the CBF forwarding policy:
[edit policy-options] policy-statement ls { then cos-next-hop-map cbf-map; }
Export the CBF forwarding policy:
[edit routing-options] forwarding-table { export ls; }