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CoS Traffic Shaping Attributes for Dynamic Interface Sets and Member Subscriber Sessions Overview

To control bandwidth at a household level in a subscriber access network, you can apply RADIUS dynamic class of service (CoS) traffic-shaping attributes to a dynamic interface set and its member subscriber sessions when the subscriber sessions are authenticated. (The dynamic interface set itself does not go through the authentication process.)

A household is represented by either a dynamic interface set or a dynamic agent-circuit-identifier (ACI) interface set from which the subscriber sessions originate. For this feature, dynamic interface sets and dynamic ACI interface sets are mapped to Level 2 of the Junos OS CoS scheduler hierarchy, which enables you to use CoS traffic-shaping to shape the bandwidth at the household (interface set) level.

The subscriber sessions, also referred to as subscriber interfaces or client sessions, can be dynamic VLAN, PPPoE, or IP demultiplexing (IP demux) subscriber interfaces. The subscriber interfaces are mapped to Level 3 of the Junos OS CoS scheduler hierarchy.

Supported Network Configurations

Applying RADIUS dynamic CoS traffic-shaping attributes to a dynamic interface set and its member subscriber sessions is supported for the following network configurations:

  • Dynamic IP demux subscriber interfaces (for DHCP subscribers) over either a dynamic interface set or a dynamic ACI interface set

  • Dynamic PPPoE subscriber interfaces over either a dynamic interface set or a dynamic ACI interface set

Traffic-Control Profiles in Subscriber Interface Dynamic Profiles

To apply dynamic CoS traffic-shaping attributes to a dynamic interface set and its member subscriber sessions, you must define and attach the traffic-control profiles for both the dynamic interface set and the dynamic subscriber sessions within the dynamic profile for the subscriber interface.

At the [edit dynamic-profiles profile-name class-of-service traffic-control-profiles] hierarchy level in the dynamic profile, configure both of the following:

  • Traffic-control profile for the dynamic VLAN, PPPoE, or IP demux subscriber interfaces

  • Traffic-control profile for the dynamic interface set or dynamic ACI interface set to which the subscriber interfaces belong

RADIUS tag values for the Junos OS CoS traffic shaping predefined variables used in both traffic-control profiles must be in the 100s range, as described in CoS Traffic Shaping Predefined Variables for Dynamic Interface Sets.

At the [edit dynamic-profiles profile-name interfaces] hierarchy level in the dynamic profile, use the output-traffic-control-profile statement to apply the traffic-control profiles to the dynamic subscriber interface and the dynamic interface set or dynamic ACI interface set.

CoS Traffic Shaping Predefined Variables for Dynamic Interface Sets and Member Subscriber Sessions

The set of $junos-cos-parameter predefined dynamic variables has been duplicated and assigned a RADIUS tag value in the 100s range for use with this feature. The RADIUS tag value is the only difference between the existing CoS traffic-shaping predefined dynamic variables and the predefined dynamic variables that you must use with this feature.

Both RADIUS instances of the $junos-cos-parameter predefined dynamic variables are available, but you must use the dynamic variables with tag values in the 100s range to apply CoS traffic-shaping attributes to both the dynamic interface set and member subscriber sessions in a subscriber interface dynamic profile.

For example, the existing $junos-cos-shaping-rate predefined variable is assigned RADIUS vendor ID 4874, attribute number 108, and tag value 2. To apply CoS traffic-shaping attributes to the dynamic interface set and its member subscriber sessions, you must instead use the $junos-cos-shaping-rate predefined variable that is assigned RADIUS vendor ID 4874, attribute number 108, and tag value 102.


Do not configure a combination of $junos-cos-parameter predefined dynamic variables with RADIUS tag values in the 100s range and $junos-cos-parameter predefined dynamic variables with tag values not in the 100s range in the same traffic-control profile. If you do so, the subscriber authentication process fails.