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show pfe statistics traffic multicast



(On EX8200 switches only) Display class-of-service (CoS) queue information for multidestination traffic on a physical interface (line card).


Multidestination packets include unknown unicast, broadcast, and multicast packets.


To view statistical information for unicast traffic, use the show interfaces queue command.


fpc fpc-slot dev-number

(Optional) Displays class-of-service (CoS) queue information for multidestination traffic on the physical interface (line card) referred to by the slot number and device number.


On an EX8200 switch, the FPC slot number is the slot number for the line card. Possible values for the FPC slot number are 0 through 7 on the EX8208 switch and 0 through 15 on the EX8216 switch. The value for the device number ranges from 0–5, where 0–4 values correspond to the statistics only from that specific device and the value 5 corresponds to the combined statistics from all the devices in the FPC.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show pfe statistics traffic multicast command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show pfe statistics traffic multicast Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description


CoS queue number.

Forwarding classes

Forwarding class name.

Queued Packets

Number of packets queued to this queue.

Queued Bytes

Number of bytes queued to this queue.


Number of packets transmitted by this queue.


Number of bytes transmitted by this queue.

Tail-dropped packets

Count of packets dropped at the tail end of the queue because of lack of buffer space.

RED-dropped packets

Number of packets dropped because of Random Early Discard (RED):

  • Low—Number of low-loss priority packets dropped because of RED.

  • High—Number of high-loss priority packets dropped because of RED.

RED-dropped bytes

Number of bytes dropped because of Random Early Discard (RED):

  • Low—Number of low-loss priority bytes dropped because of RED.

  • High—Number of high-loss priority bytes dropped because of RED.

Sample Output

show pfe statistics traffic multicast fpc 0 2(EX8208 Switch)

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 9.5.