Syntax (SRX Series)
wlan { access-point name { description description; interface wl interface; access-point-options { country country-code; } location location; mac-address mac-address; radio (1| 2) { radio-options { channel { number (auto | channel-number); bandwidth (20 | 40 | 80); } mode (g | gn | an | acn); radio-off; transmit-power percent; } } } virtual-access-point id { description description; no-broadcast-ssid; maximum-stations number; station-isolation; upload-limit upload-limit-rate; download-limit download-limit-rate; ssid ssid; vlan vlan-id; station-mac-filter (allow-list | deny-list) { mac-address addr1 addr2; } security { none; wpa-enterprise { cipher-suites ccmp; radius-server ip-address; radius-port port; radius-key secret-key; wpa-version v2; } wpa-personal { cipher-suites ccmp; key (ascii | hex) key; wpa-version v2; } } } }
Hierarchy Level
[edit wlan access-point name]
Configure WLAN properties on SRX Series Firewalls.
access-point name | Name of the wireless access point. |
interface | Wireless LAN interface (wl-x/0/0) created for the access-point setting. To support Mini-PIM in chassis cluster mode, you can configure two WLAN interfaces (wl-x/0/0) and (wl-y/0/0) on both nodes, then the WLAN configuration for access-point is pushed to the two wireless LAN interface cards on both the nodes. |
description | Description of the access point and virtual access point (VAP). The maximum length is 64 characters. |
country | The country code. |
location | Location of the access point. The maximum number of characters you can use is 64. |
channel number (auto | channel number) | Channel number of the radio. If you select |
bandwidth | Radio 1 (5 GHz) supports bandwidth of 20MHz, 40MHz, and 80MHz, whereas Radio 2 (2.4 GHz) supports bandwidth of 20MHz and 40MHz. The default value is 20MHz for 2.4GHz and 40MHz for 5GHz. |
radio modes (an | acn | gn | g ) | Mode for the radio operation. Radio 1 supports the following modes:
Radio 2 supports the following mode:
no-broadcast-ssid | Disable broadcast SSID. By default, the broadcast SSID is enabled. |
maximum-stations | The number of maximum clients that can be connected to the virtual access point. The range is 1 through 127. |
station-isolation | Isolate the clients connected to the same VAP. |
security (none | wpa-enterprise | wpa-personal) | Security settings for the VAP. WPA enterprise is a Wi-Fi Alliance standard that uses RADIUS server authentication with AES-CCMP. This mode allows the use of high-security encryption along with centrally managed user authentication. WPA personal is a Wi-Fi Alliance standard that uses preshared key (PSK) authentication with AES-CCMP . Only WPA2 standards are supported on Wi-Fi Mini-PIM. |
none | No security. The data transferred between clients and the access point is not encrypted. This method allows clients to associate with the access point without any authentication. |
cipher-suites (ccmp) | Select the appropriate WPA cipher algorithm. The value is CCMP algorithms. |
radius-server | IP address of the radius server. |
radius-port | Port number of the RADIUSs server. The default value is 1812. |
radius-key | Secret key of the RADIUS. The maximum number of characters you can use is 64. |
key (ascii | hex) | WPA shared key. The range of key length is 8 through 63 for ASCII or 8 through 64 hexadecimal characters. |
wpa-version (v2) | Version of the WPA version. Only supported value is WPA2. |
upload-limit | Specify the upload rate limit. The range is from 256 Kbps through 1,048,576 Kbps. |
download-limit | Specify the download rate limit. The range is from 256 Kbps through 1,048,576 Kbps. |
ssid | SSID value for the virtual access point. The range is 2 through 32. SSID value can include only letters, numbers and five special characters—hyphen (-), underscore (_), at (@), hash (#), and period (.) in the value of the SSID. |
vlan-id | VLAN ID for the virtual access point. The range is 1 through 4094. The default value is 1. |
station-mac-filter (allow-list| deny-list) | Specify the MAC filter. You can set either allow the mac address list or deny it. The MAC address format is like xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx. The maximum number of the MAC addresses listed is 16. |
Required Privilege Level
routing—To view this statement in the configuration.
routing–control—To add this statement to the configuration.
system—To view this statement in the configuration.
system–control—To add this statement to the configuration.
Release Information
Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 19.4R1.