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source-identity-log (Security)


Hierarchy Level


Specify the source-identity-log parameter as part of the configuration for a zone to enable it to trigger user identity logging when that zone is used as the source zone (from-zone) in a security policy. If a zone is configured for zone-based user identity logging and it is used as the source zone in a security policy, the system logs the user identity of any user who belongs to that zone and whose traffic matches the security policy’s terms.

A zone configured for zone-based user identity logging is reusable. That is, you can use it as the source zone in any security policy.

For zone-based user identity logging to occur, you must have configured the session initialization (session-init) and the session termination (session-close) events as actions for the security policy.

Zone-based user identity logging allows you to broaden the scope of users whose identities are recorded in the session log. The source-identity security policy tuple writes the user or group name to log, but it restricts application of the security policy to the specified user or user group.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 15.1X49-D60.