block block-name { address; global-micro-sid{ maximum-sids maximum-sids; maximum-static-sids maximum-static-sids } local-micro-sid{ maximum-static-sids maximum-static-sids } }
Hierarchy Level
[edit logical-systems name routing-instances name routing-options source-packet-routing srv6], [edit logical-systems name routing-options source-packet-routing srv6], [edit logical-systems name tenants name routing-instances name routing-options source-packet-routing srv6], [edit routing-instances name routing-options source-packet-routing srv6], [edit routing-options source-packet-routing srv6], [edit tenants name routing-instances name routing-options source-packet-routing srv6]
Specify an SRv6 prefix that defines a micro SID block. Configure micro SID block parameters such as global and local micro SIDs. In segment routing domain, a global micro SID. identifies a shortest-path to a node. A local micro SID identifies a cross connect to a direct neighbor over a specific interface.
name |
Specify a block name. |
address |
Specify a block prefix IPv6 address for segment routing. Default block-length is 32 bits, block-length of 32 only is allowed on the ACX Series. |
global-micro-sid |
(Optional) Specify the size of global micro SIDs.Global SIDs are static by default. Configure the global micro SID block range parameters such as the micro SID length. The length of a micro SID is 16 by default.
local-micro-sid |
(Optional) the local micro SID block range parameters.
Required Privilege Level
routing—To view this statement in the configuration.
routing-control—To add this statement to the configuration.
Release Information
Statement introduced in Junos OS Evolved Release 23.2R1 and Junos OS 23.4R1.