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interface (Service Redundancy Group Monitor)


Syntax (monitor)

Syntax (monitor-object)

Hierarchy Level


Configure interface monitoring for a service redundancy group.


interface interface-name Name of the physical interface to monitor.
weight— Weight assigned to the monitored interface. A higher weight value indicates a greater importance.
threshold (monitor-object) —interface monitoring threshold value.
  • Range: 1 through 1000

Within a monitor-object, whenever the particular object fails to trigger a failover as result of interface monitoring, the system considers the event as monitoring failure and adds a count to interface monitoring.

When the count exceeds the threshold value of interface monitoring, the system adds the count to parent monitoring-object's threshold value. Monitoring-object's threshold also includes threshold values of IP monitoring and BFD monitoring.

When the sum of the weights of all monitor objects bound to the SRG reaches a value equal to or greater than the threshold value configured on the SRG, the system triggers a monitor failure for that SRG. SRG fails over to the other node.

Required Privilege Level

interface—To view this statement in the configuration.

interface-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 20.4R1.