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show system subscriber-management redundancy-state interface



Displays the status of the subscriber management redundancy service of the pseudowire interface.


interface interface-name

Name of the pseudowire interface.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show system subscriber-management redundancy-state interface interface-name command.

Table 1: show system subscriber-management redundancy-state interface Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Forwarding state Status of the packet forwarding.
Service Activation Programming Status of the service activation programming.
Standby-mode Status of the standby mode.

Sample Output

Primary BNG Interface Status

Secondary BNG Interface Status in Normal Operation

Secondary BNG Interface Status Immediately on Failover

Secondary BNG Interface Status on Failover Completion

Secondary BNG Interface Status Immediately on Failover Reversal

Secondary BNG Interface Status Immediately on Failover Reversal Completion

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 22.2R1.