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show services web-filter secintel-policy status



Display the IPv4 and IPv6 count per threat level received from the C&C feed from Policy Enforcer. It also displays the count of the number of terms used in the implicit filter per threat level.



Name of the profile


Name of the template

Required Privilege Level


Sample Output

show services web-filter secintel-policy status

show services web-filter secintel-policy status profile

To display GeoIP feed, allowlist and blocklist.

show services web-filter secintel-policy status

To verify if an IP address is part of the GeoIP feed.

Release Information

Statement introduced before Junos OS Release 18.4.

Support added in Junos OS Release 19.3R2 for Next Gen Services on MX Series routers MX240, MX480, and MX960 with the MX-SPC3 services card.