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show services monitoring twamp client history-results



Display standard information about the results of the last 50 probes for a Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol (TWAMP) control connection. You can also view the history results of the probes or test packets sent from a TWAMP client to a TWAMP server by source address, by target address, or for a specific test session associated with the control connection. To change the number of probe results displayed, configure the history-size statement at the [edit monitoring twamp client control-connection control-connection-name test-session test-session-name hierarchy level.


<control-connection control-connection-name>

(Required) Display information for the specified control connection between a TWAMP client and a TWAMP server.


(Optional) Display detailed information about the control connection.

since time

(Optional) Display information from the specified time. Specify time as yyyy-mm-dd.hh:mm:ss.

source-address address

(Optional) Display information only for those probes with the specified IPv4 source address.

target address

(Optional) Display information only for those probes with the specified IPv4 target address.

test-session test-session-name

(Optional) Display information for the specified test session associated with the control connection between a TWAMP client and a TWAMP server.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show services monitoring twamp client history-results command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show services monitoring twamp client history-results Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Level of Output


Probe owner or the TWAMP client.

All levels


Name of a test for a TWAMP probe instance.

All levels

Probe received

Timestamp when the probe result was determined.

All levels

Round trip time

Average ping round-trip time (RTT), in microseconds.

All levels

Probe results

Result of a particular probe performed by a remote host. The following information is contained in the results:

  • Probe response received—Timestamp when the probe result was determined.

  • Probe sent time—Timestamp when the probe was sent.

  • Probe rcvd time—Timestamp when the probe was received.

  • Rtt—Average ping round-trip time (RTT), in microseconds.

  • Rtt jitter—Average ping round-trip time (RTT) jitter, in microseconds.

  • Egress jitter—Average ping egress jitter, in microseconds.

  • Ingress jitter—Average ping ingress jitter, in microseconds.


Results over current test

Displays the results for the current test by probe at the time each probe was completed, as well as the status of the current test at the time the probe was completed.


Probes sent

Number of probes sent with the current test.


Probes received

Number of probe responses received within the current test.


Egress loss inferred

Computed unidirectional loss towards server (available only when stateful-sequence is enabled on the server)


Loss percentage

Percentage of lost probes for the current test.



Measurements of minimum, maximum, average, and standard deviation for each type of measurement: .

  • Minimum—Minimum measured over the course of the current test.

  • Maximum—Maximum measured over the course of the current test.

  • Average—Average measured over the course of the current test.

  • Stddev—Standard deviation measured over the course of the current test.

Types of measurements:

  • Round trip time (usec)—Ping round trip time (RTT)

  • Egress delay (usec)—Unidirectional one way delay from client to server

  • Egress jitter (usec)—Jitter between successive measures on egress

  • Ingress delay (usec)—Unidirectional one way delay from server to client

  • Ingress jitter (usec)—Jitter between successive measures on ingress


Sample Output

show services monitoring twamp client history-results control-connection

show services monitoring twamp client history-results control-connection detail

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Evolved 20.3R1.

Command output fields for inferred egress loss, egress delay and jitter, and ingress delay and jitter introduced in Junos OS Evolved 23.4R1.