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request system license update



Starts autoupdating license keys from the license portal.

  • The request system license update command always uses the default Juniper license server:

  • The request system license update command is supported only on SRX, vSRX Virtual Firewall, and QFX Series devices.

The products supported by the Juniper Agile Licensing (JAL) portal includes: QFX series, SRX Series, EX Series, NFX, vBNG, vMX, vSRX Virtual Firewall, and ACX. For other Juniper products (SPACE, JSA, SBR Carrier, Screen OS and so on) access the License Management System (LMS).


trial—Immediately updates trial license keys from the license portal.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

When you enter this command, you are provided feedback on the status of your request.

Sample Output

request system license update

request system license update trial

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 9.5.