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show system license (View)



Display licenses and information about how licenses are used.



Display all license information.


(Optional) Display a summary of advanced and premium bandwidth used by flex capable FPCs.


(Optional) Display installed licenses only.


(Optional) Display premium and advanced bandwidth usage for Flex-Only and flex-capable FPCs.


(Optional) Display a list of license keys. Use this information to verify that each expected license key is present.


(Optional) Display license status for a specified logical system or for all logical systems.


(Optional) Display the state of licensed features.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show system license command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show system license Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Feature name

Name assigned to the configured feature. You use this information to verify that all the features for which you installed licenses are present.

Licenses used

Number of licenses used by the device. You use this information to verify that the number of licenses used matches the number configured. If a licensed feature is configured, the feature is considered used.

Licenses installed

Information about the installed license key:

  • License identifier—Identifier associated with a license key.

  • License version—Version of a license. The version indicates how the license is validated, the type of signature, and the signer of the license key.

  • Valid for device—Device that can use a license key.

  • Features—Feature associated with a license.

Licenses needed

Number of licenses required for features being used but not yet properly licensed.


Time remaining in the grace period before a license is required for a feature being used.

Logical system license status

Displays whether a license is enabled for a logical system.

Sample Output

show system license

show system license installed

show system license keys

show system license usage

show system license status logical-system all

show system license bandwidth

show system license fpc

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 9.5. Logical system status option added in Junos OS Release 11.2. Support for flex FPC and bandwidth licensing added in Junos OS Release 22.1 for MX platforms.