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Generate Internal Events to Trigger Event Policies

Understanding Internal Events

Internal events are events that you create to trigger an event policy. Internal events are not generated by Junos OS processes, and they do not have any associated system log messages. You can configure up to 10 internal events, and you can generate an internal event based on a time interval or the time of day. Event policies can match on internal events in the same way that they match on other events.


If you attempt to commit a configuration with more than 10 internal events, Junos OS generates an error, and the commit fails.

To configure an internal event, include the following statements at the [edit event-options] hierarchy level:

You can configure the time-interval option to generate events at a specific frequency, or you can configure the time-of-day option to generate events at a specific time of day. Starting in Junos OS Release 14.1, you can configure the no-drift option for internal events. When you configure no-drift, Junos OS does not propagate the delay caused in triggering an event to the triggering of the next event.

The start-time option enables you to specify the start date and time for interval-based events. Thus, the start-time option must be configured with the time-interval option. If you configure the start-time option by itself or with the time-of-day option and commit the configuration, the device generates an error, and the commit fails. For example:

How to Generate Events at a Specific Time of Day

To generate an event at a specific time of day, configure the time-of-day statement, and specify the time at which the event will occur. A time-of-day event is relative to the local device time and is configured using 24-hour time format hh:mm:ss. You can optionally include a UTC offset to specify a time relative to UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). The syntax is hh:mm:ss(+|-)hhmm, where the sign is plus (+) for east of UTC and minus (-) for west of UTC.


Coordinated Universal Time is the time on the 0° longitude meridian, also known as the Greenwich meridian. The standard time in most time zones is an integral number of hours offset from UTC.

If you omit the UTC offset, Junos OS automatically generates the offset for the time-of-day statement in the configuration based on the local time zone setting for the device. For example, consider a device that uses Eastern Standard Time (UTC−05:00) for its local time. The following command configures an internal event called event-midnight, which is generated at 12:00 AM (00:00:00) every night.

The resulting configuration automatically includes the device’s offset from UTC.

If you configure the time relative to UTC, and the offset is different from that of the device, Junos OS automatically converts the time to reflect the device’s local time and offset from UTC in the configuration. The following example configures an additional internal event called event-midnight-cst that is generated every night at 12:00 AM (00:00:00) with an offset that is six hours behind UTC.

The resulting configuration displays the event using the device's local time and UTC offset.

If the same device is shipped to a different location, and it is configured to use a new time zone, any configured internal events reflect the new local time and time-zone offset. For example:


If you modify the system time by issuing the set date operational mode command, we recommend that you also issue the commit full or the restart event-process command. Otherwise, an internal event based on the time of day might not be generated at the configured time.

For example, if you configure the device to generate an internal event at 15:55:00, and then you modify the system time from 15:47:17 to 15:53:00, the event is generated when the system time is approximately 16:00 instead of at the configured time, 15:55:00. You can correct this problem by issuing the commit full or the restart event-process command.

Event policies can match on internal events in the same way that they match on other events. The following example generates an internal event called it-is-midnight at 12:00 AM (00:00:00) every night. When the eventd process receives the it-is-midnight event, it triggers the midnight-chores event policy, which takes certain actions.

How to Generate Events at Repeated Time Intervals

You can generate an event at repeated intervals, for example, every hour, by configuring the time-interval statement and specifying the interval frequency in seconds. The time interval can range from 60 through 2,592,000 seconds. Junos OS generates the first event starting at approximately one time interval after you commit the configuration.

For example, the following command configures an event called event-every-hour that gets generated every hour:

The following event policy takes certain actions if 3601 seconds pass and the event-every-hour event has not been generated:

On supported devices, you can optionally configure the date and time at which Junos OS starts generating interval-based events. Configuring a start time enables the device to generate events at predictable times, for example, even after a device reboot. To specify a start time for an event, configure the start-time option in addition to the time-interval option. The start time is relative to the local device time and is configured using 24-hour time format. The syntax is: yyyy-mm-dd.hh:mm. For example:

If you do not configure the start-time option, Junos OS generates the first event at approximately one time interval after you commit the configuration, depending on the time required for the commit operation to complete. If you configure a start time that occurs after the commit time, Junos OS generates the first event at the configured start time, and the next event at one time interval after the start time, and so on. If you configure a start time that is chronologically before the commit time, then Junos OS generates the first event at the next time that is an integral number of time intervals after the start time. Table 1 compares the different scenarios for the initial event times based on the start time, if configured, and the time at which the configuration is committed.

Table 1: start-time Commit Examples

time-interval (seconds)


Commit time

First event

Second Event




















Similarly, if you configure a start time, Junos OS still generates the next event based on the configured start time even if you reboot the device or restart the event process. Table 2 compares the initial event times after the device is rebooted. As shown in the table, when you specify a start time, the device predictably generates the next event as an integral number of time intervals after the start time. When you do not specify a start time, the next event is one time interval after the device comes back online and starts the event process. In this case, it took several minutes for the device to reboot and start the Junos OS processes, so the event occurs well after the time for the next expected event.

Table 2: start-time Reboot Examples

time-interval (seconds)


First event

Reboot time

Next Event










You can optionally include a UTC offset to specify a start time relative to UTC by appending (+|-)hhmm to the time, where the sign is plus (+) for east of UTC and minus (-) for west of UTC, for example, 2020-09-14.11:00‑0800. Even if you specify a UTC offset, the start-time configuration always displays the time and UTC offset for the device’s local time zone.

The following example configures the start time with a UTC offset:

The resulting configuration displays the event time and UTC offset for the device’s local time zone.