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Example: Configuring the Delay Before Files Are Uploaded by an Event Policy

When an event policy action generates output files, you can archive the files for later analysis. Similarly, you might want to archive system files, including system log files, core files, and configuration files, from the time an event occurs. You can configure an event policy to upload relevant files to a specified location for analysis. By default, the event policy immediately uploads the files. However, you can configure a transfer delay, which causes the event process (eventd) to wait a specified number of seconds before beginning to upload one or more files. The transfer delay helps ensure that a large file, such as a core file, is completely generated before the upload begins. The following event policies are configured with a transfer delay:

Example 1

Configure two event policies, policy1 and policy2. The policy1 event policy has a 5-second transfer-delay when uploading the process.core file to the some-dest destination. The policy2 event policy has no transfer delay when uploading the process.core file to the same destination.

Example 2

The policy1 event policy has a 7-second (5 seconds + 2 seconds) transfer delay when uploading the process.core file to the destination. The policy2 event policy has a 2-second transfer delay when uploading the process.core file to the destination.

Example 3

The policy1 event-policy is executed with user1 privileges and uploads the process.core file after a transfer delay of 7 seconds (5 seconds + 2 seconds). The policy2 event policy is executed with root privileges and uploads the process.core file after a transfer delay of 6 seconds (4 seconds + 2 seconds).