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Changing the Network and System Settings of a Junos Space Virtual Appliance

You can change some basic options that you configured when you first installed and set up your Junos Space Virtual Appliance. You can also change the default system time and retrieve system log files from your Junos Space Virtual Appliance.

Each time you log in from the Junos Space system console, the Junos Space Settings Menu is displayed as follows:

Follow the system prompts from the menu to set or modify menu options. Password changes take effect immediately. Other configuration changes you make do not take effect until you apply the changes.


An openNMS user does not have permission to modify the Junos Space Settings.

To change a Junos Space Virtual Appliance configuration, you must be a user with administrative privileges and already logged in to the Junos Space Virtual Appliance. You can perform the following tasks from the Junos Space Settings Menu:

Changing the admin User Password of a Junos Space Virtual Appliance

You can change the admin user password used to log in to the Junos Space Network Management Platform.

To change the administrator password:

  1. At the Junos Space Settings Menu prompt, type 1.

    The Change Password menu appears:

  2. Type 1 at the command prompt.

    You are prompted for confirmation.

  3. Type y.

    You are prompted for the current administrator password.

  4. Enter the current administrator password.

    You are prompted to enter the new administrator password.

  5. Enter the new password.

    You can choose a password that is at least eight characters long and contains characters from at least three of the following four character classes: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers (0 through 9), and special characters.

    However, if a password satisfies the preceding criteria but contains only a single uppercase letter at the beginning or only a single number at the end, then that password is considered invalid. For example, Abcdwip9, Qc9rdiwt, and bRfjvin9 are invalid passwords, but AAbcdwip99, Qc9rdiwtQ, and bRfjvin99 are valid passwords.

    Alternatively, instead of using a string of characters, you can choose a passphrase that is between 16 and 40 characters long and contains at least three dictionary words separated by at least one special character. For example, big#three;fork (14 characters long) and circlefaceglass (no special characters) are invalid passphrases, but @big#three;fork& and circle;face;glass are valid passphrases.

    Passwords and passphrases are case-sensitive.

    You are prompted to reenter the new password.

  6. Retype the new password.

    The administrator password is updated and a confirmation message appears followed by the Junos Space Settings Menu.

Changing the Network Settings of a Junos Space Virtual Appliance

  • From Junos Space Network Management Platform Release 14.1R2 onward, you can configure Junos Space Ethernet interfaces with only IPv4 addresses, or both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.

  • For a multi-node fabric, we recommend that you modify the network settings by using the Junos Space Network Management Platform GUI.

  • From Junos Space Network Management Platform Release 16.1R1 onward, you can configure access to Junos Space through a Network Address Translation (NAT) gateway.

From the Change Network Settings option of the Junos Space Settings Menu, you can perform the following tasks on a Junos Space Virtual Appliance:

Adding a DNS Server

You can add up to three DNS servers for a Junos Space installation. After each addition, you are redirected to the Junos Space Settings Menu.

To add a DNS server:

  1. At the Junos Space Settings Menu prompt, type 2.

    The Change Network Settings menu appears.


    The Change IP Address of Space node option is not provided on the Change Network Settings menu for a standalone node.

  2. Type 1 at the prompt.

    The DNS name server options menu appears, as shown in the following sample:

  3. Type 1 to add the DNS server by entering the IP address in IPv4 format or type 2 to add the DNS server by entering the IP address in IPv6 format.
  4. Type the IP address of the DNS server and press Enter.

    Junos Space pings the DNS server. If it is unable to reach the server, it displays a message Cannot ping ip address:

  5. Type y to continue adding the DNS server or n to return to the Junos Space Settings Menu.

    If you type y, the change is queued and the Junos Space Settings Menu appears.

Deleting a DNS Server

You can delete a DNS server if you no longer need it. Use the Set DNS Servers option of the Change Network Settings menu to delete the DNS server.

To delete a DNS server:

  1. At the Junos Space Settings Menu prompt, type 2.

    The Change Network Settings menu appears.

  2. Type 1 at the prompt.

    The DNS name server options menu appears, as shown in the following example:

  3. Type the number present against the DNS server that you want to delete at the prompt; for example, 2.

    You are prompted to confirm that you want to delete the DNS server, as shown in the following sample:

  4. Type y to delete the DNS server or N to cancel the operation and return to the Junos Space Settings Menu.

    If you type y, the DNS server is removed and the Junos Space Settings Menu appears:

Modifying the Virtual IP Address

You may need to modify the virtual IP (VIP) address of a Junos Space Virtual Appliance when you move it from one network to another. The virtual appliance reboots after the virtual IP address is modified. For nodes in a Junos Space fabric, you can modify a VIP address from any node in the fabric.


The VIP address should be in the same subnet as the eth0 interface.

To modify the virtual IP (VIP) address of a Junos Space Virtual Appliance:

  1. At the Junos Space Settings Menu prompt, type 2.

    The Change Network Settings menu appears:

  2. Type 2 at the prompt.

    The Change IP Address of Space Node menu appears.

  3. Type 1 to change the VIP address.

    The Change VIP menu appears:


    The Change Device Management Interface option is available only if a device management interface (eth3) was specified during the initial configuration of the appliance.

  4. Modify the IP address:
    • To modify the IPv4 address:

      1. Type 1.

        A confirmation message appears.

      2. Type y to continue or n to return to the Junos Space Settings Menu.

        If you type y, you are prompted to enter the new VIP address in dotted-decimal notation.

      3. Type the new VIP address in dotted-decimal notation and press Enter.

        The VIP configuration change is queued and the Change IP Address of Space Node menu appears.

    • To modify the IPv6 address:

      1. Type 2.

        The Configuring IPv6 menu and the current IPv6 address configured for VIP are displayed.

          1. Type 1 to enter the IPv6 address.

          2. Type the new IPv6 address for the VIP and press Enter.

            The following message appears.

          1. Type 2 to disable the IPv6 address of the VIP.

            A confirmation message appears:


            If you disable the IPv6 address, the changes queued so far for the IPv6 configuration of VIP are discarded.

          2. Type y to proceed or N to return to the Change IP Address of the Space Node menu.

            If you type y, the following message is displayed followed by the Change IP Address of Space Node menu:

  5. Type A to apply the changes or type M to return to the Junos Space Settings Menu.

    If you type A, the Junos Space Virtual Appliance reboots for the VIP address change to take effect.


    The reboot process can take about 20 minutes to complete.

Modifying the IP Address of the eth0 Interface

You may need to modify the IP address of the node management interface (eth0) of a Junos Space Virtual Appliance when you move it from one network to another. The virtual appliance reboots after the eth0 interface IP address is modified.

To modify the node management interface (eth0) settings of a Junos Space Virtual Appliance:

  1. At the Junos Space Settings Menu prompt, type 2.

    The Change Network Settings menu appears:

  2. Type 2 to change the IP address of the Junos Space Virtual Appliance.

    The Change IP Address of Space Node menu appears.

  3. Type 2 to change the eth0 settings.

    The Change Node Management Interface menu appears:

  4. Modify the IP address of the node management interface:
    • To modify the IPv4 address:

      1. Type 1.

        The current IPv4 address, network mask, and gateway configured for the eth0 interface and the option to configure the IPv4 address are displayed.

      2. Type 1 to modify the IPv4 address of the eth0 interface.

      3. Type the new IPv4 address for the eth0 interface in dotted-decimal notation and press Enter.

      4. Type the netmask for the eth0 interface in dotted-decimal notation and press Enter.

      5. Type the IP address of the gateway in dotted-decimal notation and press Enter.

        You are prompted to enter the admin password.

      6. Type the admin password and press Enter.

        The change for the IPv4 address of the eth0 interface is queued and the following confirmation message appears:

    • To modify the IPv6 address:

      1. Type 2.

        The current IPv6 address, prefix, and gateway configured for the eth0 interface and the options to configure or disable the IPv6 address are displayed.

          1. Type 1 to configure the IPv6 address of the eth0 interface.

          2. Type the new IPv6 address and prefix for the eth0 interface and press Enter.

          3. Type the IPv6 address of the gateway for the eth0 interface and press Enter.

            The change to the IPv6 address of the eth0 interface is queued and the following confirmation message appears:

          1. Type 2 to disable the IPv6 address on the eth0 interface.

            A confirmation message appears:


            If you disable the IPv6 address, the changes queued so far for the IPv6 address configuration of the eth0 interface are discarded.

          2. Type y to proceed or N to return to the Change Node Management Interface menu.

            If you type y, the following message is displayed followed by the Change IP Address of Space Node menu:

  5. Type A to apply the changes or type M to return to the Junos Space Settings Menu.

    If you type A, the Select a change to cancel it menu appears, as shown in the following sample:

  6. Type A to apply all the changes or type C to cancel modifying the IP address of the eth0 interface, or type a number from the menu to cancel the change. For example, type 2 to discard the IPv6 changes for the eth0 interface.

    If you type A, the Junos Space Virtual Appliance reboots for the new eth0 interface settings to take effect.


    The reboot process can take about 20 minutes to complete.

Modifying the NAT Configuration

You may need to modify the NAT configuration of a Junos Space Virtual Appliance when you move it from one network to another.

To modify the NAT configuration of a Junos Space Virtual Appliance:

  1. At the Junos Space Settings Menu prompt, type 2.

    The Change Network Settings menu appears:

  2. Type 2 to change the IP address of the Junos Space Virtual Appliance.

    The Change IP Address of Space Node menu appears.


    The NAT configuration option is displayed even if NAT settings are not specified during the initial configuration of the node. If the node is configured to be part of a Junos Space cluster, but is not yet added to the cluster from the Junos Space Platform UI, you can modify only the NAT configuration.

    In that case, the following menu appears:

  3. Depending on the menu options displayed, type 4 or 1, to modify the NAT configuration.

    The NAT configuration must not be modified in combination with the other changes that require a reboot of the node. If the node is rebooted, the NAT configuration is discarded. In such cases, modify the settings that require a reboot, reboot the node and then modify the NAT configuration.

    The Configuring NAT menu appears:

  4. To configure the IPv4 address:

    If you modify only the NAT IPv4 or IPv6 address of a virtual appliance configured to be part of a Junos Space cluster, but yet to be added to the cluster from the Junos Space Platform UI, the last specified IP address overwrites the IP address configured during initial configuration. For example, if the virtual appliance was initially configured with a NAT IPv4 address and while modifying the network settings, you specify an IPv6 address, then the IPv4 address is discarded and the IPv6 address is used for the NAT gateway. If both IPv4 and IPv6 are configured initially, then only the IP address that is modified is updated.

      1. Type 1 and press Enter.

      2. Type the IPv4 address of the NAT outbound SSH interface and press Enter.

        The IP address must be in the range - excluding 127.x.x.x.

      3. Type the port number of the NAT outbound SSH interface and press Enter.

        The port number must be in the range 0-65535.

      4. Type the IPv4 address of the NAT trap interface and press Enter.

        The IP address must be in the range - excluding 127.x.x.x.

      5. Type the port number of the NAT trap interface and press Enter.

        The port number must be in the range 0-65535.

    • To configure the IPv6 address:

      1. Type 2 and press Enter.

      2. Type the IPv6 address of the NAT outbound SSH interface and press Enter.

      3. Type the port number of the NAT outbound SSH interface and press Enter.

        The port number must be in the range 0-65535.

      4. Type the IPv6 address of the NAT trap interface and press Enter.

      5. Type the port number of the NAT trap interface and press Enter.

        The port number must be in the range 0-65535.

    • To configure IPv4 and IPv6:

      1. Type 3 and press Enter.

      2. Type the IPv4 address of the NAT outbound SSH interface and press Enter.

        The IP address must be in the range - excluding 127.x.x.x.

      3. Type the port number of the NAT outbound SSH interface and press Enter.

        The port number must be in the range 0-65535.

      4. Type the IPv4 address of the NAT trap interface and press Enter.

        The IP address must be in the range - excluding 127.x.x.x.

      5. Type the port number of the NAT trap interface and press Enter.

        The port number must be in the range 0-65535.

      6. Type the IPv6 address of the NAT outbound SSH interface and press Enter.

      7. Type the port number of the NAT outbound SSH interface and press Enter.

        The port number must be in the range 0-65535.

      8. Type the IPv6 address of the NAT trap interface and press Enter.

      9. Type the port number of the NAT trap interface and press Enter.

        The port number must be in the range 0-65535.

  5. Type A and press Enter to apply the changes.

    The settings summary is displayed.

  6. Type A again and press Enter to accept and apply all the changes.

    The Junos Space Settings menu appears.

Modifying the IP Address of the eth1 Interface

You may need to modify the IP address of the eth1 interface of a Junos Space node when you move the Junos Space node from one network to another.

  • From Junos Space Network Management Platform Release 14.1R1 onward, you can configure the eth1 Ethernet interface as an administrative interface.

  • If you configure the eth1 interface, SSH is disabled on the eth0 and the eth3 interfaces. You can then access the CLI of the Junos Space virtual appliance only through the eth1 interface.

To modify the eth1 interface settings:

  1. On the Junos Space Settings Menu, type 7 to access shell.

    You are prompted to enter your password.

  2. Type your password and press Enter.

    The shell prompt appears.

  3. At the shell prompt, type jmp_config and press Enter.

    You are prompted to enter the IP address of the eth1 interface.

  4. Type the IP address of the eth1 interface in dotted-decimal notation and press Enter.

    The IP address can be in the same subnet as virtual IP (VIP) address or in a different subnet. If the IP address is not in the same subnet as the VIP address, you are prompted to enter the subnet mask and then the default gateway for the eth1 interface.

  5. (Optional) Type the subnet mask for the eth1 interface in dotted-decimal notation and press Enter.
  6. (Optional) Type the default gateway in dotted-decimal notation and press Enter.

    The eth1 interface is configured.

  7. To verify the modified IP address of the eth1 interface, run the ifconfig eth1 command and check that the IP address displayed for eth1 is the same as that you modified.

Modifying the IP Address of the eth3 Interface

You may need to modify the eth3 interface IP address of a Junos Space Virtual Appliance when you move it from one network to another. The virtual appliance reboots after the eth3 interface IP address is modified.

  • On a Junos Space fabric with two or more Junos Space nodes, if you configure the eth3 interface as the device management interface on one Junos Space node, then you must also configure the eth3 interface as the device management interface on all the other Junos Space nodes in that fabric.

  • When you configure the eth3 interface as the device management interface, the IP addresses of the eth0 and eth3 Ethernet interfaces must be in different subnets.

To modify the device management interface (eth3) settings of a Junos Space Virtual Appliance:

  1. At the Junos Space Settings Menu prompt, type 2.

    The Change Network Settings menu appears:

  2. Type 2 to change the IP address of the Junos Space Virtual Appliance.

    The Change IP Address of Space node appears.

  3. Type 3 to change the Device Management Interface (eth3) settings.

    The Change Device Management Interface menu appears.

  4. Modify the IP address of the device management interface:
    • To modify the IPv4 address of the eth3 interface

      1. Type 1.

        The current IPv4 address, network mask, and gateway configured for the eth3 interface and the options to configure or disable the IPv4 address of the eth3 interface are displayed.

          1. Type 1 to modify the IPv4 address of the eth3 interface.

          2. Type the IPv4 address for the eth3 interface in dotted-decimal notation and press Enter.

          3. Type the network mask for the eth3 interface in dotted-decimal notation and press Enter.

          4. Type the IP address of the gateway in dotted-decimal notation and press Enter.

          5. Type the admin password and press Enter.

            The change for the IPv4 address of the eth3 interface is queued and the following confirmation message appears:

          1. Type 2 to disable the IPv4 address on the eth3 interface.

            A confirmation message appears:


            If you choose to disable the IPv4 address on the eth3 interface, the changes queued so far for the IPv4 address configuration of the eth3 interface are discarded.

          2. Type y to proceed or n to return to the Change Device Management Interface menu.

            If you type y, the following message is displayed followed by the Change Device Management Interface menu:

    • To modify the IPv6 address:

      1. Type 1.

        The current IPv6 address configured for the eth3 interface is displayed followed by the options to configure and disable the IPv6 address.

          1. Type 1 to configure the IPv6 address of the eth3 interface.

            You are prompted to enter the IPv6 address for the eth3 interface.

          2. Type the new IPv6 address and prefix for the eth3 interface and press Enter.

          3. Type the IPv6 address of the gateway for the eth3 interface and press Enter.

            The following message appears:

          1. Type 2 to disable the IPv6 address on the eth3 interface.

            A confirmation message appears:


            If you disable IPv6 address, the changes queued so far the IPv6 address configuration of the eth3 interface are discarded.

          2. Type y to proceed or n to return to the Change Device Management Interface menu.

            If you type y, the following message is displayed followed by the Change Device Management Interface menu.

  5. Type A to apply the changes or type M to return to the Junos Space Settings Menu.

    If you type A, the Select a change to cancel it menu appears, as shown in the following example:

  6. Type A to apply the changes, or type C to cancel modifying the IP address settings of the eth3 interface, or type a number from the menu to cancel the change. For example, type 1 to discard the changes to the IPv4 address, the network mask, and the gateway IP address of the eth3 interface.

    If you type A, the Junos Space Virtual Appliance reboots for the new eth3 interface settings to take effect.


    The reboot process can take about 20 minutes to complete.

Adding Static Routes to a Junos Space Virtual Appliance

Before you add a static route to a Junos Space Virtual Appliance, ensure that the gateway that you want to configure is accessible.

To add a static route to a Junos Space Virtual Appliance:

  1. At the Junos Space Settings Menu prompt, type 2.

    The Change Network Settings menu appears.

  2. Type 3 at the prompt.

    The Change Static Routes menu appears.

  3. Modify static routes.
      1. To change IPv4 static routes, type 1.

        The option to add a new static route appears.

      2. Type 1.

        You are prompted to enter the IPv4 address of the new static route.

      3. Type the IP address of the static route in dotted-decimal notation and press Enter.

      4. Type the network mask for the route in dotted-decimal notation and press Enter.

      5. Type the gateway for the route in dotted-decimal notation and press Enter.

      6. Type the password for the admin user and press Enter.

        The change is queued and you get a confirmation message.

      1. To change IPv6 static routes, type 2.

        The option to enter a new IPv6 static route appears.

      2. Type 1.

      3. Type the IPv6 address of destination network without prefix and press Enter.

      4. Type the prefix for the route and press Enter.

      5. Type the gateway for the route in dotted-decimal notation and press Enter.

        Junos Space pings the IP address that you entered. If Junos Space is unable to reach the gateway, it reports the following:

        Type y to continue or n to return to Junos Space settings menu.

        If you enter y, you are prompted to enter password for the admin user.

      6. Type the password for the admin user and press Enter.

        The change is queued and you get a confirmation message.

  4. Type A to apply changes are M to return to the Junos Space Settings menu.

Deleting Static Routes from a Junos Space Virtual Appliance

You can delete static routes from the Junos Space Virtual Appliance when you no longer need them.

To delete a static route from a Junos Space Virtual Appliance:

  1. At the Junos Space Settings Menu prompt, type 2.

    The Change Network Settings menu appears.

  2. Type 3 at the prompt.

    The Change Static Routes menu appears.

    The options to modify static routes appear, as shown in the following example:

    • Delete the static routes.

      1. To delete IPv4 routes, type 1.

        A menu appears with options to add and remove IPv4 static routes similar to the following sample:

      2. At the prompt, type the number provided against the static route you want to delete. For example, 2.

        You are prompted to apply or cancel deleting the static route, as shown in the following sample:

    • Delete the IPv6 routes.

      1. To delete IPv6 routes, type 2.

        A menu appears with options to add and remove IPv6 static routes similar to the following:

      2. At the prompt, type the number provided against the static route you want to delete. For example, 2.

        You are prompted to apply or cancel deleting the static route, as shown in the following example:

  3. Type A to delete the static route or M to make more changes.

    If you type A, you are prompted to enter the administrator password and then the static route is deleted.

Changing Time Options of a Junos Space Virtual Appliance

Change Time Options enables you to change the time zone and NTP server settings of a Junos Space Virtual Appliance. When you configure each Junos Space Virtual Appliance with an NTP server, you must ensure that, if the first node (which is used to synchronize time for all nodes in the fabric) goes down, all other nodes in the fabric remain synchronized. To ensure this behavior, all nodes in the fabric should be configured with the same external NTP source that you configured for the first appliance.

Changing the Time Zone

Use the Change Timezone option of the Change Time Options menu to change the time zone of the Junos Space Virtual Appliance.

To change the time zone of a Junos Space Virtual Appliance:

  1. At the Junos Space Settings Menu prompt, type 3.

    The Change Time Options menu appears:

  2. Type 1 at the prompt.

    The current time zone configured on the Junos Space Virtual Appliance is displayed and you are prompted to choose the time zone that you want to set, as shown in the following example:

  3. Type the number against the time zone that you want to set; for example, type 1 for GMT. If the time zone has associated locations, you are prompted to enter the location. For example, the Atlantic time zone has the following locations:
  4. Type the number against the location that you want to set.

    You are prompted to confirm the time zone that you want to set.

  5. Type y to confirm or N to return to the Junos Space Settings Menu.

Changing NTP Settings

Changing Network Time Protocol (NTP) settings involves disabling or enabling NTP on a Junos Space Virtual Appliance, adding NTP servers to a Junos Space Virtual Appliance, or deleting NTP servers configured on the Junos Space Virtual Appliance.

To change NTP settings of a Junos Space Virtual Appliance:

  1. At the Junos Space Settings Menu prompt, type 3.

    The Change Time Options menu appears:

  2. Type 2 to change NTP options.

    The NTP options menu appears.

    If there are NTP servers already configured on the Junos Space Virtual Appliance, they are listed on the NTP options menu.

  3. Perform one of the following tasks:
    • Type 1 to disable NTP on the Junos Space Virtual Appliance.

      The Junos Space Settings Menu appears.

      NTP is enabled by default on the Junos Space Virtual Appliance. If NTP is disabled, typing 1 enables it.

    • Type 2 to add an NTP server to the Junos Space Virtual Appliance.

      You are prompted to enter the IP address or hostname of the NTP server.

      1. Type the IP address or hostname of the NTP server at the prompt.

        A message confirming the addition of the NTP server appears followed by the Junos Space Settings Menu.

      2. Type A to apply the settings.

    • Type the number against a configured NTP server to delete it from the Junos Space Virtual Appliance.

      You are prompted to confirm that you want to delete the NTP server.

      Type y to delete or N to return to the Junos Space Settings Menu.

Retrieving System Log Files from a Junos Space Virtual Appliance

To retrieve system log files from a Junos Space Virtual Appliance, you can use Secure Copy Protocol (SCP) if the network is functional or a USB device if the network is down.


To save the system log files of a device in a USB device, the device must be connected to the Junos Space Virtual Appliance.

To retrieve system log files from a Junos Space Virtual Appliance:

  1. At the Junos Space Settings Menu prompt, type 4.

    The following appears:

  2. Choose a method for retrieving system log files—using a USB device or SCP:
    • Retrieving log files using a USB device

      To save system log files to a USB device:

      1. Type 1 at the prompt.

        You are prompted to confirm that you want to copy the files onto a USB device.

      2. Type y to continue with retrieving the logs or n to return to the Junos Space Settings Menu.

        If you type y, you are prompted for the administrator password.

      3. Type the administrator password of this Junos Space installation and press Enter.

        You are prompted to confirm that the logs can be saved on the USB device.

      4. Type Y to save the log files to your USB device or N to terminate collecting logs and return to the Junos Space Settings Menu.

        The Junos Space Network Management Platform retrieves the log files from all cluster members as a single tar file.

    • Retrieving system log files using SCP

      To save system log files using SCP:

      1. Type 2 at the prompt.

        You are prompted to confirm that you want to use SCP to save the system log files.

      2. Type y to continue with retrieving the system log files or n to terminate and return to the Junos Space Settings Menu.

        You are prompted to enter the administrator password.

      3. Type the administrator password of this Junos Space installation and press Enter.

        You are prompted for the credentials of the SCP server where you want to save the system log files, starting with the IP address.

      4. Type the SCP server IP address and press Enter.

        You are prompted to enter the username to log in to the SCP server.

      5. Type the SCP server username and press Enter.

        You are prompted to enter the location in the SCP server where you want to store the system log files.

      6. Type the path in the SCP server where you want to save the system log files and press Enter.

        You are prompted to confirm the credentials of the SCP server that you have entered so far, as shown in the following example:

      7. Type y to confirm or n to reenter the credentials of the SCP server.

        If you type y, the log files are saved in the specified location of the SCP server as a single tar file.

Expanding the Drive Size of a Junos Space Virtual Appliance

To increase the virtual machine (VM) drive size on a Junos Space Virtual Appliance, you must first add a disk resource to the VMware Infrastructure client to create a virtual disk. You must then initiate a scan of the new virtual disk. The Expand VM Drive Size option does not expand the drive size If you increase the size of any disk on the Virtual Appliance (for example, using the Edit menu of the vSphere Client). To expand the drive size, you must add disk resources to the host system.

The free space available in all the partitions should be monitored periodically and the available disk space should be increased if required. The /var and /var/log partitions should be monitored more frequently as most of the data are stored in these partitions and the space utilization is high.


You can expand the VM drive size of a Junos Space Virtual Appliance only when the Junos Space Virtual Appliance is powered on.

To expand the VM drive size of a Junos Space Virtual Appliance:

  1. At the Junos Space Settings Menu prompt, type 6.

    You are prompted to enter the password for the admin user.


    If no free space is available on the host for allocation, the No free disk space message appears and the Junos Space Settings Menu is displayed.

  2. Type ter the password for the admin user and press Enter.

    The following caution appears and you are prompted to confirm that you want to continue expanding the VM drive size.

  3. Type y to continue with the procedure or n to return to the Junos Space Settings Menu.

    If you type y, you are prompted to specify the partition that you want to expand.

  4. Type the number present against the partition that you want to expand; for example, type 1 to expand the / partition or 5 to quit expanding disks and return to the Junos Space Settings Menu.

    The free space that can be allocated is displayed and you are prompted to enter the space that you want to allocate to the partition.

  5. Type the additional disk space that you want to allocate and press Enter.

    You can enter the disk space in megabytes (M), gigabytes (G), or terabytes (T). Do not add a space between the number and the unit; for example, 50M and not 50 M, 10G and not 10 G, and so on.

    You are prompted whether you want to expand more drives.

  6. Type y to continue adding disk space or n to return to the Junos Space Settings Menu.

    When you type n, the JBoss and MySQL processes that were stopped are resumed. If the VM drive size was expanded on a primary node, the node becomes secondary when it comes up.

Setting Security Options on a Junos Space Virtual Appliance

Junos Space provides firewall and SSH security options. By default, the firewall and SSH are enabled on a Junos Space Virtual Appliance.

Enabling the Firewall on a Junos Space Virtual Appliance

You can disable the firewall if you want and then reenable it.

To enable the firewall on a Junos Space Virtual Appliance:

  1. At the Junos Space Settings Menu prompt, type 5.

    The following appears if the firewall is disabled and SSH is enabled:

  2. Type 1.

    You are prompted to enter the administrator password.

  3. Type the administrator password and press Enter.

    The following appears and the firewall is enabled on the Junos Space Virtual Appliance:

Disabling the Firewall on a Junos Space Virtual Appliance

By default, the firewall is enabled on a Junos Space Virtual Appliance. You can disable the firewall if you want.

To disable the firewall on a Junos Space Virtual Appliance:

  1. At the Junos Space Settings Menu prompt, type 5.

    The following appears if both the firewall and SSH are enabled:

  2. Type 1.

    You are prompted to enter the administrator password.

  3. Type the administrator password and press Enter.

    The following appears and the firewall is disabled on the Junos Space Virtual Appliance:

Disabling SSH on a Junos Space Virtual Appliance

By default, SSH is enabled on a Junos Space Virtual Appliance. You can disable SSH if you want.

To disable SSH on a Junos Space Virtual Appliance:

  1. At the Junos Space Settings Menu prompt, type 5.

    The following appears if both the firewall and SSH are enabled:

  2. Type 2.

    You are prompted for the administrator password.

  3. Type the administrator password and press Enter.

    The following appears and SSH is disabled on the Junos Space Virtual Appliance.

Enabling SSH on a Junos Space Virtual Appliance

By default, SSH is enabled on a Junos Space Virtual Appliance. You can disable SSH if you want and then enable it again.

To enable SSH on a Junos Space Virtual Appliance:

  1. At the Junos Space Settings Menu prompt, type 5.

    The following appears when the firewall is enabled and SSH is disabled::

  2. Type 2.

    You are prompted for the administrator password.

  3. Type the administrator password and press Enter.

    The following appears and SSH is enabled on the Junos Space Virtual Appliance.

Running Shell in a Junos Space Virtual Appliance

You must initlalize shell to access the CLI and run commands to debug a Junos Space Virtual Appliance.

To run shell in the Junos Space Virtual Appliance:

  1. At the Junos Space Settings Menu prompt, type 7.

    You are prompted for the administrator password.

  2. Type the current administrator password and press Enter.

    The CLI prompt of the Junos Space Virtual Appliance appears, as shown in the following example: