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Deleting Tags

Use Delete Tags to remove tags that you no longer need.

  • You can delete a public tag only if you have sufficient permissions. Contact your system administrator if this need arises.

  • Private tags created by other users are not visible to you and hence you cannot delete them. Even a user with the Tag Administrator role is not permitted to delete private tags of other users.

    You can delete your private tags not only from the Tags inventory page but also from any inventory page where deletion of private tags is permitted. Select Delete Private Tags from the Actions menu on the respective inventory landing page.

  • You cannot delete the top-level Public, Private, or Untagged categories. You can delete the tags only within the Public and Private categories.

To delete a public or a private tag from the Tags workspace:

  1. On the Junos Space Network Management Platform user interface, select Administration > Tags.

    The Tags page appears.

  2. Select one or more tags that you want to delete.
  3. Select Delete Tags from the shortcut menu.

    This option is disabled if you do not have sufficient permissions to delete the selected tags. This situation may arise when you are trying to delete a public tag for which you do not have the necessary permissions. Contact your system administrator for this task.

    The Delete Tags dialog box appears to confirm that you want to delete the tag.

  4. Click Delete on the confirmation dialog box.

    The tag is removed from the database and no longer appears on the Tags page.


    If you have assigned a tag that you are deleting with any object, no warning message is displayed before the deletion of the tag. When you delete a tag, Junos Space Network Management Platform removes the object-tag association and the tag is no longer associated with any object. The deletion of a tag does not delete any tagged objects.

You can delete a tag not only from the Tags workspace but also from other workspaces such as the Device Management inventory landing page or the Job Management page.

To delete a tag from the Device Management inventory landing page:

  1. On the Junos Space Network Management Platform user interface, select Devices > Device Management.

    The Device Management page appears.

  2. If tags are not displayed, click the Display Tag View icon on the toolbar.

  3. Select a tag and click Delete Tag from the shortcut menu.

    This option is disabled if you do not have sufficient permissions to delete the selected tags. This situation may arise when you are trying to delete a public tag for which you do not have the necessary permissions. Contact your system administrator for this task.

    A confirmation dialog box appears to confirm whether you want to delete the tag.

  4. Click Yes on the confirmation dialog box.

    The tag is removed from the database and no longer appears on the Tags page.


    If you have assigned the tag that you are deleting to any object, no warning message is displayed before the deletion of the tag. When you delete a tag, Junos Space Network Management Platform removes the object-tag association and the tag is no longer associated with any object. The deletion of the tag does not delete any tagged objects.

When you delete a tag, an audit log entry is automatically generated.