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Configuring Scheduled Outages

You can configure scheduled outages to suspend notifications, polling, thresholding, and data collection (or any combination of these) for any interface or node for any length of time.

To create a scheduled outage:

  1. Select Network Monitoring > Admin > Scheduled Outages.
  2. Specify a name for the scheduled outage.
  3. Click Add new outage to create the scheduled outage.
  4. Build the rule that determines which nodes are subject to this critical path.
  5. Specify appropriate values for the following fields:
    • Node Labels—From the list, select the node labels to add.

    • Interfaces—From the list, select the interfaces to add.

    • Outage type—From the list, select daily, weekly, monthly, or (time) specific.

    • Time—Specify one or more days and times for the outage.

  6. Specify that the outage applies to one or more of the following categories:
    • Notifications

    • Status polling

    • Threshold checking

    • Data collection