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Hot Patch Releases

This section describes the installation procedure and resolved issues in Junos Space Network Management Platform Release 22.2R1 hot patches.

During hot patch installation, the script performs the following operations:

  • Blocks the device communication.
  • Stops JBoss, JBoss-dc, and watchdog services.
  • Backs up existing configuration files and Enterprise Application Archive (EAR) files.
  • Updates the Red Hat Package Manager (RPM) files.
  • Restarts the watchdog process, which restarts JBoss and JBoss-dc services.
  • Unblocks device communication after restarting the watchdog process for device load balancing.

Installation Instructions

Perform the following steps in the CLI of the JBoss-VIP node only:

  1. Download the Junos Space Platform 22.2R1 Patch vX from the download site.

    Here, X is the hot patch version. For example, v1, v2, and so on.

  2. Copy the Space-22.2R1-Hotpatch-vX.tgz file to the /home/admin location of the VIP node.

  3. Verify the checksum of the hot patch for data integrity:

    md5sum Space-22.2R1-Hotpatch-vX.tgz.

  4. Extract the Space-22.2R1-Hotpatch-vX.tgz file:

    tar -zxvf Space-22.2R1-hotpatch-vX.tgz

  5. Change the directory to Space-22.2R1-Hotpatch-vX.

    cd Space-22.2R1-Hotpatch-vX

  6. . Execute the script from the Space-22.2R1-Hotpatch-vX folder:


    The script detects whether the deployment is a standalone deployment or a cluster deployment and installs the patch accordingly.

A marker file, /etc/.Space-22.2R1-Hotpatch-vX, is created with the list of Red-hat Package Manager (RPM) details in the hot patch.

  • We recommend that you install the latest available hot-patch version, which is the cumulative patch.

  • Set the SSH option “ServerAliveInterval” to a minimum value of 300, when connecting to the Applogic VIP via SSH to apply the hotpatch.

    Sample command: ssh admin@x.x.x.x -o ServerAliveInterval=300.

  • When you configure the Disaster Recovery (DR), make sure that you reset the DR configuration on both the active and the standby sites.

    Once the DR reset is complete, you must remove the file from the /var/cache/jmp-geo/config path for all the JBoss, database, and Fault Monitoring and Performance Monitoring (FMPM) nodes, if any.

Known Behavior

  • When you modify the administrator password using CLI on both active and standby sites, update to the DR configuration on the standby site fails with an error.

    Workaround: To change the administrator password and update the DR configuration on both the sites, perform the following steps:

    1. Enter passwd admin command to change the password for all the nodes in the active site cluster.

    2. Update the DR configuration on the active site using the following command: jmp-dr toolkit config update --user-core

    3. Repeat Step 2 to update the DR configuration on the standby site.

Known Issues

This section lists the known issues in Junos Space Network Management Platform Release 22.2R1 hot patch.

  • During the Disaster Recovery (DR) initialization process, when you try to retrieve information for all the arbiter devices, it fails with an error. PR1702232

  • Validation check option is missing when arbiter devices are not selected in Configure Disaster Recovery Wizard page. PR1654835

  • Validation issue with device selection disables the NEXT button. PR1628290

Resolved Issues

Table 1 lists the resolved issues in Junos Space Network Management Platform Release 22.2R1 hot patch.

Table 1: Resolved Issues in Junos Space Network Management Platform Release 22.2R1 Hot Patch
PR Description Hot Patch Version


The database purging policy gets stuck in Junos Space Network Management Platform resulting in no data backup.



After upgrading to Junos Space Network Management Platform Release 22.2R1 hot patch v3, when user cancels the Modify Template window without any changes, the Last Modified By name changes to the current user and the Last Update Time changes to the current time. Templates created on older versions also increment the latest version number.



While performing Test Connection in Junos Space Network Management Platform, it gets stuck with Testing.... Please wait... message.



Junos Space Network Management Platform fails to show the device configuration tree.



The managed status of a device continues to remain out-of-sync even when the device is up again.



Junos Space Network Management Platform displays the device status as in-sync besides an option to resolve Out-of-Band (OOB) changes.



While reading the inventory file, an automatic resync caused by the configlets or hardware changes gets stuck for tweleve minutes.



VIP failover does not work as expected.

Workaround: Make below changes in file /etc/corosync/corosync.conf

totem {
    version: 2
    cluster_name: jmp-CLUSTER
    secauth: off
    transport: udpu
    token:10000  ==> increase this value from current 3000 to 10000
    consensus : 12000  ==> add this parameter and set the value.
quorum {
    provider: corosync_votequorum
    two_node: 1
    wait_for_all: 1  --------------> add this new value
Post modifying the value do the cluster sync
[root@space-000c2948db67 ~]# pcs cluster sync
space-000c2948db67: Succeeded
space-000c290cf19f: Succeeded
execute the below commands 
# pcs cluster stop --all
# pcs cluster start --all
post this operation check the values 
[root@space-000c2948db67 ~]# corosync-cmapctl | grep totem.token
runtime.config.totem.token (u32) = 10000
runtime.config.totem.token_retransmit (u32) = 238
runtime.config.totem.token_retransmits_before_loss_const (u32) = 4
[root@space-000c2948db67 ~]# corosync-cmapctl | grep totem.consensus
runtime.config.totem.consensus (u32) = 12000
totem.consensus (u32) = 12000
PR1731540 Users sees Fail in load selections data error while changing domains in the Device Management page and Job Management page. v3
PR1734109 When you modify the device configuration in both Security Director and Junos Space Network Management Platform, the schema does not show the entire configuration on the device. v3
PR1664169 Junos Space Network Management Platform modifies or deletes SNMPv3 configurations from devices. v3
PR1693261 Junos Space Network Management Platform shows images as staged even when they are not. v3
PR1716241 When you remove an image from the Staged Devices dialog box in Junos Space Network Management Platform, it fails with an error. v3
PR1723041 User is unable to receive Junos Space Fabric Monitoring alerts in all the configured emails, but only in one email. v3
PR1738821 Resync Nodes job in OpenNMS page does not update the device progress in Junos Space Network Management Platform. v3
PR1738590 Junos Space Network Management Platform fails to choose the best match for schema, which is an expected behaviour. v3
PR1732590 The configuration does not match the device in Junos Space Network Management Platform, even after resynchronization with the network. v3
PR1740818 Resynchronization with the network fails with java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException error. v3
PR1711201 Synchronization between Junos Space Network Management Platform and SRX340 Service Firewall fails with a routing-instance error. v3
PR1714872 Junos Space Network Management Platform CLI displays the password expiry notification too early. v3

Few of the Logical System (LSYS) devices display the status as DOWN while the root device displays the status as UP.

Workaround: Perform RMA for the device to trigger the Junos Space Network Management Platform to reconnect. Most of the devices get connected and display the status as UP but at least one device needs to be performed RMA for the second time. After performing the RMA, some devices does not display in-sync in a timely manner until you run a resync with the network.

PR1700218 REST API fails with errors. v3

JUNOS Enhanced Services (JUNOS-ES) device logs contain a matching term "GRES" that matches with the terms "INGRESS" and "EGRESS".

  • Junos Space Network Management Platform 21.3R1 Hot Patch V6 updates the match pattern to receive messages matching with “_GRES” besides "GRES" for JUNOS-ES devices. This update drops the unwanted messages received from the devices.

  • Devices discovered from Junos Space Network Management Platform after the above mentioned fix will have the changes as the pattern gets pushed to the devices during device discovery.

  • Perform the following steps to modify the system log configuration of devices that are discovered before upgrading to Junos Space Network Management Platform 21.3R1 Hot Patch V6:

    1. Login to Junos Space Network Management Platform UI and select Device Templates > Templates.

    2. Right click on COMMIT_SYNC_CONFIG_JUNO S_ES and select Modify Quick template.

    3. Select Preview to verify the occurrence of _GRES at the end of the template.

    4. Click Save and Assign/Deploy. The screen displays all the JUNOS-ES devices.

    5. Select the devices where you want to update the pattern and click Next.

    6. Click Validate on Device to validate the templates for the devices.

    7. Click Deploy now to complete the update immediately or click Deploy later to schedule it later.

    8. Click Finish and wait for the update to complete.

PR1739065 Junos Space Platform Web GUI shows an error at times, when you upload PKCS12 format certificate. v3
PR1719781 After stopping the DR and rebooting the standby site, when you execute the jmp-dr health command to check the DR health, it fails with an error. v3
PR1659947 Junos Space Network Management Platform GUI shows incorrect number of nodes under Network Monitoring. v3

Disaster Recovery (DR) manual failover causes 1236 error for MySQL replication.


When you execute the jmp-dr health command for DR, Junos Space Network Management Platform shows 1236 error for MySQL replication.


When you execute the jmp-dr health command for DR, Junos Space Network Management Platform shows 1045 error for MySQL replication.


Junos Space Network Management Platform MySQL database shows out of sync error.


The purging policy provided in Junos Space Network Management Platform, fails to remove the database backup files even when the purge job is complete.


DR setup fails to start due to MySQL replication issue.


When you start the DR configuration, standby site displays an error.

PR1688998 After the database backup and synchronization, the files are available on both the database nodes. But only a single node appears under Machine column in the GUI. v1
PR1663031 There is a schema version mismatch between Junos Space Network Management Platform user interface and Security Director user interface. v1
PR1684165 Junos Space Network Management Platform does not close the SSH sessions properly. v1
PR1650426 Template deployment for devices fail in Junos Space Network Management Platform when archive-sites commands are in use. v1
PR1652195 MySQL out of sync issue in Junos Space Network Management Platform DR cluster setup. v1
PR1661072 Junos Space Network Management Platform displays the device status as in-sync besides an option to resolve Out-of-Band (OOB) changes. v1
PR1678701 Database backup synchronization stops, when you configure eth1 for administration in the cluster. v1
PR1679812 Unable to update the SNMP configuration for fabric node. v1
PR1685214 Purging of MySQL bin files does not happen correctly. v1
PR1692403 Unable to edit local user when authentication mode is set to remote-local. v1
PR1693209 User is unable to power off the MX series devices via Junos Space Network Management Platform. v1
PR1699306 Detailed job result for CLI configlets shows in progress even after completion. v1
PR1672045 While restoring a database (DB) backup, Junos Space Network Management Platform fails to close the prompt window to enter the maintenance password when you click Cancel. v1

On the Junos Space Platform GUI, the Script Verification Results page displays a maximum of 200 devices even when the user has more than 200 devices.
