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Selecting and Sending an Event to the Network Management System

To select and send an event:

  1. Select Network Monitoring > Admin > Send Event.

    The Send Event to OpenNMS page appears.

  2. From the Events field, select an event from the list.
  3. To define the event and the network monitoring destination, specify appropriate values for the following fields:
    • Node ID field—Select a device node from the list. The Node ID specifies the device in the event sent to the network monitoring system.

    • Source Hostname—Specify the hostname of the source from which the event is sent.

    • Interface field—Select the interface address to which the event is sent.

    • Service field—Specify the name of the service that will receive the event.

    • Parameters—Click the Add additional parameters link to specify the name and value of each additional parameter you want to add.

    • Description field—Provide a description for the event.

    • Severity field—Select a severity level for the event.

    • Operator instructions—Include instructions that the operator might need to respond to the event notification.

  4. Click Send Event to send the event to the system.