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Uploading Device Tags by Using a CSV File

Device tags help you easily identify managed devices when deploying a device template, upgrading a device image, staging scripts, or applying CLI Configlets to devices. Device tags associate the IP address or hostname of a managed device with a tag.

Starting with Junos Space Network Management Platform Release 15.2R1, you can upload device tags from the local computer to Junos Space Network Management Platform. You use the Devices workspace to upload device tags by using a CSV file. You can assign the tags created using this task to other Junos Space objects. For more information, refer to Tagging an Object.


You must create a CSV file with the correct IP address or hostname of a device, tag name, and tag type, which could be private or public. If you do not specify whether the tag is private or public, by default a public tag is created.

Tag names must not exceed 255 characters. Tag names must not start with a space, and cannot contain a comma, double quotation marks, and parentheses. Also, you cannot name a tag “Untagged” because it is a reserved term.

Entries pertaining to incorrect IP addresses or hostnames are not uploaded to Junos Space Platform. You can view incorrect entries in the job results.

To upload device tags by using a CSV file:

  1. On the Junos Space Network Management Platform user interface, select Devices > Device Management.

    The Device Management page that appears displays all devices managed by Junos Space Platform.

  2. Click the Tag Devices by CSV icon.

    The Upload Tags CSV File pop-up window is displayed.

  3. (Optional) To view a sample CSV file, click the Sample CSV hyperlink.
  4. Click Browse to select the CSV file from the local computer.
  5. Click Import.

    The details of the devices and tags are uploaded to Junos Space Platform. A Job Information dialog box is displayed.

    1. Click OK.

      You are redirected to the Device Management page.

    To view job details:

    1. Click the job ID in the Job Information dialog box.

      You are redirected to the Job Management page with the filtered view of the job.

When the job is complete, all devices with correct details are assigned the tags you uploaded through the CSV file. To view the tags, go to Administration > Tags.

Release History Table
Starting with Junos Space Network Management Platform Release 15.2R1, you can upload device tags from the local computer to Junos Space Network Management Platform.