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Supported Devices

For a list of supported devices up to and including Junos Space Platform Release 21.3R1, see Juniper Networks Devices Supported by Junos Space Network Management Platform.

Table 1: Supported Line Cards
Device Line Cards
MX10008 JNP10K-LC480
MX10016 JNP10K-LC480

When Junos Space Platform discovers EX Series switches running Layer 2 next generation software, the device family for these devices is displayed (on the Device Management page) as junos and not as junos-ex. This behavior is currently observed on EX4300 and EX9200 switches running Layer 2 next-generation software.


Previous versions of Junos OS releases are also supported. If you are using previous versions of Junos OS releases, you can continue to use the same versions. For a complete list of Junos OS compatibility and support information, see Junos OS Releases Supported in Junos Space Network Management Platform.