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Viewing Template Details

You view the details of a template to determine the device template configuration. You can view the template configuration in XML and CLI formats.


You cannot view device-specific values in the template configuration by using this workflow.

To view the details of a template:

  1. On the Junos Space Network Management Platform user interface, select Device Templates > Templates.

    The Templates page that appears displays all the device templates that currently exist in the Junos Space Platform database.

  2. Select the template for which you want to view details and select View Template Details from the toolbar.

    The Template Details page is displayed. You can view the name of the template, versions of the template, and Junos OS version used in the template. You can also view the XML and CLI formats of the template configuration.

  3. (Optional) To select the version of the template, select the version from the Selected Template Version drop-down list.
  4. To select the appropriate view of the configuration:
    • Click the CLI tab to view the CLI configuration.

    • Click the XML view to view the XML configuration.

Click Cancel.

You are redirected to the Templates page.