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Creating a Script Bundle

Junos Space Network Management Platform allows you to group multiple op and commit scripts into a script bundle. To create a script bundle, you must first import the scripts that you want to include in the script bundle into Junos Space Network Management Platform (see Importing Scripts to Junos Space).

To create a script bundle:

  1. On the Junos Space Platform UI, select Images and Scripts > Script Bundles and select the Create Script Bundle icon.

    The Create Script Bundle page appears.

  2. In the Name text box, type the name of the script bundle.

    The script bundle name cannot exceed 50 characters. The name can contain only letters and numbers and can include a hyphen (-), underscore (_), or period (.). The name cannot start with a space.

  3. In the Description text box, type a description of the script bundle.

    The script bundle description cannot exceed 256 characters. The description can contain only letters and numbers and can include a hyphen (-), underscore (_), period (.), or comma (,).

  4. Click the Add Scripts () icon to add scripts that need to be included in the script bundle. The Select Scripts page displays all Junos Space Platform scripts that you can include in the script bundle.
  5. Select the scripts that you want to include in the script bundle. The selected scripts are highlighted.
  6. (Optional) To mark scripts in the script bundle as My Favorite:
    1. Right-click the scripts and select Mark as Favorite.

      The Mark as Favorite pop-up window is displayed. The name of the tag is set to My Favorite and the tag is private.

    2. (Optional) In the Description field, enter a description.

    3. Click Apply Tag.

      The scripts are tagged.

  7. (Optional) To unmark scripts in the script bundle that are marked as favorite:
    1. Right-click the scripts and select Unmark as Favorite.

      The Unmark as Favorite pop-up window that appears displays the message that the scripts are successfully unmarked as favorite.

    2. Click OK.

  8. Click Add.

    The selected scripts are included in the Selected Scripts area of the Create Script Bundle page.

  9. On the Create Script Bundle page, under the Selected Scripts area, you can edit the script parameters, rule, and version.

    To edit script parameters:

    1. (Optional) To change the version of the script, click the Edit icon next to the version and select a suitable version from the Version drop-down list. By default, the latest version of the script is associated with the script bundle.
    2. (Optional) You can set success or failure criteria based on the script output. When you set criteria, the script execution is considered a success or a failure only if the specified criteria are met by the execution results. By default, no specific strings are searched for in the script output and if the script is executed without any errors, then the execution is considered a success.
    3. Click Save to save the script parameters, rule, and version details.
  10. (Optional) On this page, you can also modify the list of selected scripts by using the icons described in Table 1.
    Table 1: Create Script Bundle Page Icon Descriptions



    Add scripts to the script bundle.

    Delete the selected script from the script bundle.

    Move the selected script to the row above.

    Move the selected script to the row below.

    Make a copy of the selected script and include it in the script bundle.

    Edit the value (success or failure) of script parameters or the script version. This option is disabled when commit scripts are selected.

  11. Click Save. The script bundle is created and displayed on the Script Bundles page.

To verify whether the script bundle is created with your specifications, double-click the script bundle and view its details.