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Viewing Tags for a Managed Object

The View Tags action from application workspace inventory pages allows you to see all tags that you have assigned to a managed object on your network. You must first tag a managed object to see its tags.

Use tags to label and categorize objects in your network, such as subnets, devices, services, users, customers, and so forth, so you can filter, monitor, or perform batch actions on them without having to select each object individually.

Tags created by you are private and visible only to you unless you have the Tag Administrator share them to the public domain, making them public. Tags created by other users are visible only to them unless the Tag Administrator shares them, then including you can view them.

To view tags on an inventory object:

  1. Navigate to a workspace inventory page.
  2. Select only one inventory object for which you want to view tags.
  3. Select View Tags from the Actions menu. You can also right-click an object and select View Tags.

    The View Tags dialog box appears with a tag list displaying all tags applied to the selected object.

  4. Click OK.