Update the Network Implementation Plan After Paragon Automation Upgrade
After the Paragon Automation cluster has been upgraded, use the information in this topic to upgrade the service designs, and update the network implementation plan on the upgraded setup.
As part of upgrading your Paragon Automation installation from Release 2.2.0 to Release 2.3.0, you must also upgrade the service designs that Paragon Automation provides for infrastructure, resources (l2-addr, l3-addr, routing, topo, and vpn), and services (L3VPN, EVPN, and L2 circuit). Upgrade of your Paragon Automation installation is incomplete without upgrading the service designs.
Upgrade the service, resource, and onboarding service designs versions to the following versions:
See Upgrade Service Design Version for a Service Instance to upgrade the service design versions.
Update the network implementation plan created in Release 2.2.0 to use the infrastructure service design version 0.13.25.
Log in to the Paragon Automation GUI and obtain the organization ID.
Click Settings Menu > Organization Settings on the banner.
The Organization Settings page appears.
Click Copy under Organization ID field.
Select a plan and upgrade the service design to 0.13.25.
On the Paragon Automation GUI, click Inventory > Device Onboarding > Network Implementation Plan.
The Network Implementation Plan page appears.
Select the plan that you want to update and click More > Upgrade Service Design.
The Upgrade Service Design page appears.
Select 0.13.25 from the drop-down list and click Yes.
A confirmation message appears that the service design of the selected plans is upgraded to the selected service design version.
If there are mulitple network implementation plans, repeat steps 2.b for all plans.
(Optional) On the Paragon Automation GUI, select the plan that you upgraded and edit the new parameters associated with the upgraded service design.
Click Publish for the changes in the plan to be pushed to the devices in the plan.
When you click Publish, resources are allocated again for the plan and the service design version recorded in Placement Resources matches with service design of the plan and the new configurations available with the new service design are pushed to the devices.
Verify that the publish workflow for the plan is executed successfully and the Order Status of the plan is Success on the Network Implementation Plan page.