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Troubleshoot Using Alerts and Alarms

The observability use case enables you (Super User, Network Admin, and Observer) to monitor the health and performance your network. Paragon Automation detects and generates alerts and alarms for issues in your devices and in your overall network. Timely detection of issues enables you to fix them immediately and minimize the impact of such issues on your network and its performance. We refer to alerts and alarms collectively as events in the GUI and in this topic.

You can view the events generated in your network on multiple pages in the GUI. In addition, you can also configure Paragon Automation to send you notifications for the events on external applications such as e-mail and Slack. If you are monitoring the network and its components in the GUI, you can drill down to the device level to view all events on the device and in its connectivity. If you received external notifications for events in the network, you can use the information in the notification message to identify the network issues. You can then determine the required fix to remediate the issue.

Navigate to the following pages in the GUI to monitor your network performance on the basis of the events generated on the devices:

  • Observability > Events > Alerts tab

    On this tab, you can view alerts related to interface, hardware, routing, and connectivity categories. You can acknowledge an alert if you have seen and taken note of the alert condition and have determined the fix for the issue raised by the alert. In addition, if you want to monitor specific alerts or alert categories, click Templates Configuration to create an alert template for the required alerts. You can also choose to receive and to send alert notifications over e-mail and Slack to site and organization administrators and other selected users.

    Use this page during the life cycle management of your network. Observers can view the Alerts tab but cannot view or create event templates.

    For more information and for a detailed list of tasks that you can perform from this tab, see Alerts Tab.

  • Observability > Events > Alarms tab

    On this tab, you can view hardware alarms of all severities generated on the devices. You can acknowledge an alarm if you have seen and taken note of the alarm condition and have determined the fix for the issue raised by the alarm. In addition, if you want to monitor specific alarm categories, click Templates Configuration to create an alarm template. You can also choose to receive and to send alarm notifications over e-mail and Slack to administrators and other selected users.

    Use this page during the life cycle management of the devices in your network. Observers can view the Alarms tab but cannot view or create event templates.

    For more information and for a detailed list of tasks that you can perform from this tab, see Alarms Tab.

  • Observability > Troubleshoot Devices page

    On this page, you can view the devices and the number of devices that have events. Alerts and alarms are displayed for all issues that require user intervention or are being monitored. You can also view a comparison of the events raised in the current week against the events of the previous week in your network. The comparison gives you an insight into network performance over short periods. This page provides you with an easy way to identify issues and drill down to the cause of the issues, enabling you to resolve issues quickly. Use this page during the life cycle management of the devices in your network.

    For more information and for a detailed list of tasks that you can perform from this page, see About the Troubleshoot Devices Page.

  • Observability > Troubleshoot Devices > Device-Name > Overview tab

    On the Troubleshoot Devices page, click a device hostname to view the Device-Name > Overview tab. The accordions in the Overview tab lists the results of the tests that Paragon Automation runs to monitor the health of devices. Events are categorized and displayed under an accordion corresponding to that category. If a device has an issue, the severity of the event is displayed to the right of the accordion name. If there are multiple events of varying severities, the highest severity of the events is displayed.

    To view more information on the events, click the > icon to the left of the accordion name to expand the accordion view. The two latest events of the highest severity are displayed on the right of the accordion under Relevant Events. If there are fewer than two events, hover over View Details for each event to view more information. If there are more than two events, click View All Relevant Events. The Events for Device-Name page appears and displays the complete list of events in the corresponding accordion category. You can view all the events displayed in their corresponding accordion categories and remediate the issues that may need user intervention.

    Additionally, you can troubleshoot further to get more detailed information on events from the following accordions:

    • Identity & Location—Click the compliance score of the device to view more information on the score and troubleshoot issues. For more information, see Identity and Location Data of a Device.

    • Remote Management—Click the Syslog and Alarms links to navigate to the Observability > Events > Device Logs and Observability > Events > Alarms pages respectively. You can view the device system logs and find more information on alarms from these pages. Additionally, if required, click Release Router to release the device from being managed by Paragon Automation. For more information, see Remote Management Data and Test Results.

    • Hardware—Click the data-link of an unhealthy Hardware component in the hardware accordion. The Hardware details for Device-Name page appears. The graphs on this page display the performance of the hardware components graphically. You can also view information on events on these performance graphs. Click the toggle button next to the name of the hardware component, to view the performance of the component in a graph. To view the details of anomalies, click the red diamond icon, orange square icon, or yellow triangle icon on the graph. The details of the anomaly appear in a pop-up. You can also zoom into a particular portion of the graph to view more information about events that have occurred.

      Similarly, you can also monitor anomalies in the temperature of the chassis components from the hardware accordion. For more information on all the drill-in views available and to compare multiple graphs, see Hardware Data and Test Results.

    • Interfaces—Click the data-link of an unhealthy interface in the Interface accordion. The Interface details for Device-Name page appears. The graphs on this page display the link state and link flapping issues related to physical interfaces of the device. Click the toggle button next to the name of the interface, to view details on link state performance and issues for that interface on a performance graph. For more information on all the drill-in views available and to compare multiple graphs, see Interfaces Data and Test Results.

    • Software—The Software accordion enables you to fix device software version issues directly from this page. If the software on the device is out of compliance, or has reached end of life (EOL), or is approaching EOL, an alert is generated. You can fix the alerts related to the software version by clicking Upgrade Software to upgrade your device software to the latest recommended version. For more information, see Software Data and Test Results.
    • Configuration—View the most recent compliance score recorded for the device configuration. Click the score to view the compliance scan results and details about the rules that did not meet the criteria, defined in the Benchmarks document, on the Trust > Compliance > Rule Results page. The Benchmarks document consists of compliance policies and rules defined by Center for Internet Security (CIS). For more information, see Configuration Data and Test Results.

    • Connectivity—Paragon Automation automatically runs connectivity tests using test agents on your network devices. The results of the tests are displayed in the Connectivity accordion. Click Retest to re-initiate a connectivity test from this accordion. Click the data-link of an unhealthy connectivity parameter to view more information on events. The Connectivity Details page appears. Click View all Relevant Events to view events generated for all connections.

      Additionally, you can view details of faulty connections on the topology map. Faulty connections appear as red diamond icons on connection lines. Hover over the count icon to obtain details of the faults for a connection type. The Connections table displays details about the connectivity tests run on the device. To view the test results, click the connectivity status (ERROR, PASSED, or FAILED) in the Connections table.

      For more information, see Device Connectivity Data and Tests Results.

    Use this page during the life cycle management of the devices in your network. For more information and for a detailed list of tasks you can perform from this tab, see About the Device-Name Page.

  • Intent > Device Onboarding > Put Devices into Service page

    On this page, you can view the devices and the number of devices that need user intervention to fix the issues causing the alerts and alarms. This page provides you with an easy way to identify issues and drill down to the cause of the issues, during onboarding of devices into your network. To drill down to the issues, click a device hostname to navigate to the Device-Name page.

    For more information and for a detailed list of tasks you can perform from this page, see About the Put Devices into Service Page.

  • Intent > Device Onboarding > Put Devices into Service > Device-Name page

    On the Put Devices into Service page, click a device hostname to view the Device-Name page. The Device-Name page lists the results of the tests, that Paragon Automation runs to monitor the health and connectivity of a device during onboarding of the device. Device data and events are categorized and displayed under their corresponding accordions. Use this page during onboarding of devices into your network. The functionality of this page is similar to that of the Observability > Troubleshoot Devices > Device-Name > Overview tab.

    For more information and for a detailed list of tasks you can perform from this tab, see Device Onboarding Test Results.

  • Device tab and Site tab in the network information table on the Network > Devices & Links page

    View the severities of all events on the sites in the Site tab and view all the events on the devices in the Device tab. Additionally, from the Device tab, you can drill down to the device to view more information. Click a device hostname with an event on it to navigate to the Observability > Troubleshoot Devices > Device-Name > Overview tab. Use this page to view more information on the event and troubleshoot the event. Use this page during the life cycle management of the devices in your network.

    For more information, see About the Device Tab and About the Site Tab.